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British Dogs

Meet Gimli

Since Rosie’s children have left home, Gimli has filled the gap they left with lots of laughs and constant support

Gimli is our sixth rehomed dog, and has been with us nearly five years. He's a joy. He loves humans and always invites them to tickle his ears. He also loves playing with the dogs he sees regularly on his walks.

His dedication to sniffing when he's outside always reminds us of a reader with a very good book. My husband now calls his walks ‘going to the library’.

Gimli stops us being empty nesters

Gimli’s my constant companion. When I fractured my femur last June, we had to wait 10.5 hours for an ambulance. For all that time, he sat quietly and supportively by my side, near the fracture. When the ambulance team came, he welcomed them and stood back quietly as they manoeuvred me onto a stretcher and into the ambulance.

Our children have flown the nest now to have their own lives (rightly so), but Gimli stops us being empty nesters. He fills the house with fun and welcomes all the affection we used to give the children with genial appreciation.

Meet Ruaridh

Although it hasn’t always been easy, Emily adores Ruaridh and all the positivity he has brought into her life.

Little Ruaridh came into our lives only one month ago but the impact he has made has been substantial. Although extremely hard work, he has already made our little family happier and healthier in every way. From getting us up bright and early (5am!) to getting us out in the fresh air more – he really has improved our wellbeing.

He really has improved our wellbeing

He’s the greediest dog and the loves to explore the world through his mouth. The strangest thing he enjoyed eating was the binmen’s gloves after the binman tried to give him a cuddle.

As he grows, so do Ruaridh’s eyebrows and his long golden hair often glimmers in the sun. We love our little bundle of fluff and would love to spend some quality time away with him on his first holiday.

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Meet Bobby Dog

Sharon is grateful for the joy and good times that Bobby Dog has brought into her life, even if she’s not his favourite human!

Bobby Dog came to us from Romania back in 2016. He was nervous but trusting, and he soon settled into our mad house.

He is very caring and loves us all!

He is so loving and funny, and he’s brought a lot of laughter into our lives. He is very caring, and he loves us all, but he has a particularly special bond with his Man Cub, (my son) Harvey. The two of them are best buds!

Bobby Dog always comes on adventures with us and enjoys life to the full.

Meet Joey

Kelly and Joey were a match made in heaven, and not just because of Kelly’s ready supply of tennis balls!

Joey found us, post lockdown #1. I placed an advert detailing the life we could offer a dog. Perhaps someone had over-dogged themselves during the pandemic and wanted to reconsider, but also wanted the best for their pooch. It turns out there was someone in that position and they contacted my ad and the stars aligned. Joey joined us in October 2020. He was six months old and a true working lab. He needed a job.

I have never known a dog love his tennis balls so much!

As we got to know his character, Joey’s true calling emerged: to save tennis balls at all costs. I have never known a dog love his tennis balls so much! If he’s not retrieving his own, he’s searching for those little rubber critters others he’s lost. We have a tub full of balls we never set out with!

He loves entertaining us as we seek out new routes to walk on the south coast. We’re very glad he found us. He’s a sensitive soul, brain always in overdrive (if not always engaged), loves his cuddles and is very handsome… but maybe I’m biased!

Meet Pippa

Life hasn’t been kind to Laura for the past few years, but Pippa has always given her a reason to keep going

Pippa entered our lives, like a hurricane, in June 2021. We had all had our lives tipped upside down by Covid, and to top it all off, my partner Pete was diagnosed with terminal cancer. This was an enormous shock, as he had never had anything more than a mild cold in our 21 years together.

We’d recently heard about a five-month-old Patterdale Jack Russell who had been purchased by a family for their 17-year-old son during lockdown. Unfortunately, after six weeks or so, the son had completely lost interest in her, and she needed a new home. We hadn't been looking for a new best friend at the time, as we’d lost our elderly Parsons Jack Russell the year before. And what with Pete’s diagnosis, and me being on the waiting list for a new knee, we really weren't in the best place to take on a very lively young dog.

I am convinced this little doggy was sent to us from heaven

We discussed all the pros and all the cons and thought to ourselves ‘surely we can’t be this daft?!’ But we eventually decided that life is too short, and we needed someone to make us laugh, comfort us when we needed a cuddle and help us to face the world every day. Boy, oh boy, did we find the right medicine. Pippa is the funniest, cheekiest, most adorable, best friend we could ever have hoped for. Pete passed away five months ago, and I am convinced this little doggy was sent to us from heaven. She has saved my life. She’s my rock and my reason to carry on.

Right now, as I tell you my little story, I am in a hospital bed with my brand-new knee, missing Pippa very much. I’m missing the way she sits across my chest so she can feel my heartbeat, and the way she uses hypnotherapy when she thinks she deserves a treat. She won't be missing me right now though, as she’s having an amazing, thoroughly deserved holiday on the beach. She’ll be running through the woods, swimming in the river and probably getting covered in mud. And we’ll be doing all those things together from here on in, for many years to come.

Meet Norma and Cara

Norma and her dog Cara don’t let anything stop them from enjoying all that life has to offer.

Cara might be an elderly lady, but she still likes to play, especially with a tennis ball or two. Though, now if you throw one for her to chase, she’ll give you a look that says ‘I am 11 you know!’.

She enjoys a good cuddle and during these unsettled and sometimes lonely times, has been a much-needed companion. Cara also has free run of the house. She sleeps wherever she wants, sometimes being generous enough to allow me to share the bed or the sofa with her!

She can be vocal enough to get her point across!

As I live alone, her company is both a source of comfort and a welcome distraction. Her conversation skills may be lacking but believe me when I say she can be vocal enough to get her point across!

In short, I would not be without her. Even on those dark, wet and windy days when non-dog owners are cuddled up on their sofas, this old lady (I’m 77 years old) is glad to toddle down the road with her fellow old girl.

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