For my whole life, I wanted a dog but, despite my protests, my parents never gave in. When I went to visit Daisy, the first thing she did was climb onto me and steal my keys. The breeder and I spent ages trying to get them off her but, being the cheeky madam she is, she was not giving in! In that moment I knew the little monster was mine.
I’ve never met anyone who hasn’t fallen for her charm
Daisy is the most loving dog, although she does have an independent streak. She absolutely loves other people – I’ve never met anyone who hasn’t fallen for her charm. When I worked in a girl’s boarding house with children from across the world, she was a lot better at soothing them when they were sad than I was.
Daisy has no dramatic story. She doesn’t know many tricks and she isn’t the most obedient (unless very good treats are on offer!) but I love her to pieces and can’t imagine life without her.
Myself and my husband had been together since 2002. In 2008, we bought our home, and in 2009 we got married and very quickly decided we wanted to have a baby.
Little did we know, life was going to throw us a massive curve ball and our journey wasn’t going to be that simple. So, 2011-2013 came and went with no joy of a baby. We’d had a round of fertility treatment and it failed, and my mental health was taking a bashing.
Then, in March 2014, we decided to get our fur baby Rufus and he literally saved me for the next two years. He was my confidant, my best friend, my shoulder to cry on and my strength to get up every morning.
He knows everything about me – the good, the bad and the ugly
He got me through so much, and still does. He knows when I’m upset, or when I need time and hugs. He knows everything about me – the good, the bad and the ugly.
Then, in 2016, our journey as human parents finally began, and Rufus is exactly the same with his human brother. He’s by his side forever and always and loves us all unconditionally.
I share my story as I feel like we sometimes don’t give our doggos enough credit for what they do for us. Just this month we added another furry friend to our brood and, again, Rufus has taken to him so well. I’m proud of my boyo and he will forever be my first baby.
My dogs are my world. They come with me everywhere and there is never a moment that we’re apart. We work on a vineyard in Essex – me looking after the vines and the dogs exploring all day. Without my dogs it would be an extremely lonely job. They are my company every day and they never fail to make me laugh.
Without my dogs it would be an extremely lonely job
Arlo (a Labrador) is six and I have had him since I was 16. He has been my best friend for years now and has been with me through everything, from living with my parents to buying my own home and getting engaged. One day, he’ll be the best man at our wedding. Pip (a working Cocker puppy) is our newest addition at three months old and he’s full of beans.
Pip loves to run and jump at dandelions, play with insects, chase butterflies and dig holes. Arlo loves sleeping ALL DAY in the sun and chewing sticks when he does get up (sometimes). They are lucky boys and I like to think they are very happy too.
The day I’m writing this is Ashton’s first birthday. Over the last year, he’s brought pure joy into my life. He’s a playful, happy little dog, who simply won’t allow you to be sad around him.
He likes to sit on top of the sofa cushions like a cat and will go anywhere that’s warm. He loves to be snuggled under blankets and will make his own ‘nest’ out of any soft material he can curl up in.
He has a sister, and he always barks at her until she plays with him – but he isn’t too pleased when she barks back! He also gets major ‘FOMO’, so if there’s even a small chance of something exciting happening, he needs to be there – even if you’re just going to make a cup of tea.
Most importantly, he’s helped me stay positive when I’ve struggled to get up in the mornings. Knowing this bundle of joy relies on me and loves me unconditionally has helped me get up on many days when I didn’t even want to move. Ashton is my best friend.
He simply won’t allow you to be sad around him
I got my dog from a shelter in Macedonia. He was funny and quirky from the first day I met him, which is what drew me towards him. Koda is like a human – he sighs and gives the perfect side-eye stare when he’s annoyed.He also constantly wants to play and is obsessed with belly rubs. He’ll try and get one from every person he sees, even if they’re a total stranger.
He’s a large dog but a complete baby
Koda adores cats but sadly for him, the affection isn’t usually reciprocated. He’s a large dog but a complete baby, with a phobia of tiny pups! He’s so loving, funny and inquisitive, and I can’t imagine my life without him.