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British Dogs

Meet Dora

After being rescued from her abusive trainer, life has only got better for Dora since she joined Claire’s family

Dora was rescued by the RSPCA in September 2022, and came into our lives when we adopted her in May 2023. She had survived starvation and neglect at the hands of her trainer, who was sentenced to 32 weeks in prison and given a lifetime ban from owning animals.

Dora is a sweet, bright and affectionate baby. She’s quite the comedian and wakes us up every morning by howling in our faces. She loves to 'curtsy' to greet people when they come into the house. She lightens up our work calls by laying on her back behind us and pulling goofy faces.

I want to give her as many experiences as I can to make up for her life before

Her favourite trick at the moment is to jump as high as she can when we leave the house on our walks. She also likes to outrun her best friend, Jadzia the German Shepherd, and play chase with her.

To me, Dora is an inspiration. She’s a reminder than no matter what you go through in life, you can't stop and wallow in misery. She’s a brave girl who genuinely loves humans and craves attention and affection. She makes my life better and I love thinking about the happy days I will give her.

She inspires me to look after myself, so that I can look after her. I’ve been to places I never would have gone, just because I want to give her as many experiences as I can to make up for her life before. She’s the best decision I've ever made.

Meet Bella Bear

Heather has adopted many Miniature Schnauzer’s in her lifetime, but few live up to Bella Bear

We rescue female Miniature Schnauzer dogs from puppy farms. Over the past 20 years, we’ve rescued 16 – each with their own set of fears, neuroses, strange habits and physical problems after years in the most dreadful environments.

Two years ago, we suddenly lost a very young rescue who had a heart murmur. I looked online and saw that there was a nine-month-old Miniature Schnauzer in a rescue in Wales. On the hottest day of the year, we travelled 300 miles to get her and 300 miles to bring her home. Since that day she has delighted us with her youth, her love for everyone and her exuberance for life.

She is a true joy

She is always happy. She insists on cuddling and playing with the four much older dogs we have and they seem to forget their traumas and woes when they’re around her. She patrols the garden endlessly to ensure no pigeon, jackdaw, or rook lands. But she’ll give robins and blackbirds safe access. She insists on taking out a soft toy every time she goes into the garden. But she always leaves them there. She greets us with squeals of delight even if we’ve only been gone for five minutes. She sleeps between us on her own pillow, never moving, but pressing against my back as though to say ‘I’ve got you’. Everyone loves Bella Bear. Although we don’t seek a reward for rescuing these dogs, I believe she is our reward for looking after all our ‘damaged’ girls over the years. She is a true joy.

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Meet Willa

Whether she’s demanding cuddles or knocking things over, Willa always makes Gillian and her family laugh with her silly personality

Willa is a daft German Shorthaired Pointer. She loves to walk and scent chase. You hardly see her on a walk but one whistle and she's back in a second – unless something requires her urgent attention!

In the house, she’s a massive lap dog. She wants cuddles and covers even when it's 28° outside. She runs a tight ship too: breakfast at 8am prompt, lunchtime snack at 12 exactly, dinner at 5pm and supper at 9pm on the button. We joke that she is a dictator. This is her life and you’re privileged to be a part of it, thank you very much!

She always makes us laugh with her silly antics

She always makes us laugh with her silly antics. Her nickname is doof-dog because she 'doofs' things with her nose and knocks them over. When you’re in the bath. the deodorant often ends up in with you! She also has a weird obsession with metal and likes to chew coins. She won’t eat them; she’ll just faff about with them in her mouth.

Willa has always been a goof and that's why we love her so much. There is never a dull moment.

Meet Izzy

Jacky lives on her own, but thanks to her dog Izzy, she knows she’ll always have a reason to smile every day.

Izzy is my whole world. I’m 64 and live alone with multiple health issues, so Izzy gives me a reason to get out of bed in the morning. She always puts a smile on my face and is adored by everyone who meets her. She's the most affectionate dog I've ever met, showering everyone with kisses and cuddles.

She always puts a smile on my face

Izzy is just amazing and has an enthusiasm for everything in life – especially playing with other dogs!

Meet Skye

Skye’s impaired hearing doesn’t stop her from living her best life with Alison and her family

Skye is a Border Collie who was born deaf. As she was unable to work the sheep, she was handed over to a shelter as a puppy for rehoming. We have three other rescue Border Collies so we knew she would feel safe with us.

No one notices Skye is deaf – they just see a happy, healthy, loving dog

She was in Northern Ireland at the time, so the adoption agency arranged for her to travel to us in Wales. Sadly, Covid hit and we had to wait seven months until she could travel. But we were so excited when she finally arrived.

Skye is now part of our family, and she makes us laugh every day. Her birthday is 1st January, so it’s always a happy new year. She sleeps on the back of the sofa and regularly falls asleep on her nose. She also understands sign language and loves her twice daily walks through the woods, where she’s able to run free of the lead. No one notices Skye is deaf – they just see a happy, healthy, loving dog.

Meet Bailey

Chloe went to the pub one night and came home with a dog – all because she couldn’t stand watching Bailey suffer at the hands of her former owner

I met Bailey in the local pub when she was brought in by her previous owner. She was a five-month-old purebred Labrador, but she looked about 12 weeks old. She was skin and bone and she looked exhausted. I offered her some chips from my plate and a drink of my water, but her owner told me not to feed her. He said she’d had her weekly feed as she poops in the house otherwise.

She has made me a dog person

Bailey kept coming back to me while we were in the pub. I think she saw me as her safety net. The owner kept grabbing her by her scruff and dragging her back to him, but she kept wanting to cuddle up to me.

I offered to buy her from him as he had mentioned he works 12-hour days and leaves her all day. I bought her then and there, and she came home with me that evening. She’s been mine ever since and she’s made mine and my partner’s lives wonderful.

She’s got such a wicked personality in comparison to the exhausted, malnourished puppy we met in the pub. She’s insanely clever and LOVES eating squares of cheese! She has made me a dog person and I would never be without her. I’m so thankful I went for a drink that night.

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