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British Dogs

Meet Morgan

Suzanne and her faithful rescue dog Morgan have an amazing bond

Morgan is from the local rescue centre, but I’m not sure if I rescued him or he rescued me!

With just one look, we made an instant connection at the centre, which was only one month after I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Since then, he’s faithfully been by my side.

Each morning, he nudges me with his nose when it’s time for me to get up, waiting patiently while I struggle to get moving due to stiffness and pain. He carries my socks downstairs from the bedroom and helps me load the washing machine, keeping watch as I load it and spinning round once the task is complete.

Thank you for being my special friend

He loves the pop-up toaster and yelps with excitement to let me know when the toast is ready, but his favourite part of the day is his walk, which he encourages me to do regularly. I feel so much better after seeing him run so freely with his friend Jessie. He brings me great joy.

Finally, after his tea and when it’s time for bed, he pushes the recliner chair footrest in for me and off we go to bed. He curls up next to me making me feel contented and safe.

Thank you, Morgan, for being you and for being my special friend.

Meet Lola

After rescuing Lola, Lisa loves her life with her gentle giant

Lola is a rescue dog who has been with us a little over a year ago. She came to us this fully grown dog who still had many many puppy tendencies. We rescued her just before she got to the rehoming centre.

She is this large oaf who doesn’t realise her size, thinking she’s a lap dog. Lola loves a cosy blanket, hates being cold, wet and hates when the wind blows her ears.

Life during lockdown would have been impossible without his companionship

We still have a long way to go with training but she has changed our lives so much. She’s like a wee companion for myself and we’re either playing in the garden together, going for fun walks or cosying in bed watching a movie together. Lola loves her comforts and believe it or not, she loves the vets.

When she jumps up her paws go on your shoulders and she gives you almost a human cuddle.

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Meet Alfred

Alfred is an empathetic dog and a loyal companion, especially to Julia’s daughter – and his quirks just make him all the more loveable!

Alfred is a Weimararner. He gets really anxious if he is left alone and is a very much-loved part of our family. We have a daughter with autism and Alf is her companion and helper, who always seems to sense and know when he needs to be with her and when she needs him. He is also my husband’s personal trainer, getting him outdoors and exercising.

Alf has some strange habits

Alf has some strange habits – he likes to sleep across the arms of two sofas, or if he’s on the sofa then he sleeps with all four legs in the air! He loves the freedom to run around the Dorset meadows at the end of the lane that we live on and is a happy chap with our two cats and always greets them by licking them.

He is such a handsome boy that people always comment on him when he is out and about. He is playful and has a box of toys, his favourite being Gilbert the sloth! He has a favourite kennel, which is in Turnpike in Motcombe Dorset and all the kennel workers love him! He like to ride in my car in the front seat, especially in the Summer with the top down and the wind blowing in his ears!

Meet Basil

With Mary’s help, Basil has gone from a scared rescue pup to a happily settled pooch who’s full of mischief

I had been thinking about fostering a dog for some time and thought that a rescue was the way to go, as the rescue centres were absolutely full to the hilt with dogs in need of loving homes. At the time, l was suffering from depression and thought looking after a dog would be a motivation to get up in the mornings.

I saw on social media that there was a puppy in Bosnia that a rescue centre was looking to bring to the UK, and l made an application to foster him. I was successful and Basil came into my life on 24 March 2022, aged just eight months old.

I've never regretted adopting him, even if none of my slippers, socks and shoes are safe!

At first, it was difficult – he was scared of every household appliance, he didn't want to be indoors (day or night), he would not sleep at all, and he didn't know how to play. However, after a couple of weeks, he settled down and his friendly, cheeky, mischievous and inquisitive side began to shine through.

After fostering Basil for a month, l decided to adopt him – how could I ever let this beautiful soul go? I've never regretted my decision, even if none of my slippers, socks and shoes are safe from him! He is addicted to tummy tickles and loves to boop me on the nose to tell me he loves me.

Poor Basil has just had a double operation, so he is slowly recovering and getting lots of rest, TLC and treats (it is costing me a fortune in chicken). We are planning lots of long walks and maybe a trip to the seaside when he is well enough to travel. There are so many adventures to look forward to, and we will no doubt enjoy them together.

Meet Spot

Spot’s energy and silliness are an endless source of fun and laughter for Jackie and her family

Spot is the goofiest, most in-your-face boy dog you could ever meet. He has a lovely teddy bear face with a big black nose and a brown spot on his head, which is how he got his name.

He’s the most in-your-face boy dog you could ever meet

He’s generous with his kisses, and his drool if he sees any food. When he runs, he does this funny little skip and wiggles his bum. He's also very, very clever but not always in a good way (don’t ask me about the bar of chocolate and the huge vet bill!).

He constantly amuses us with his futile attempts at catching the pigeons, who torment him from the top of the fence. And he has selective hearing. Spot is Spot and we love him to bits!

Meet Henry

Despite losing his leg as a puppy, Henry has lived his life to the full as part of Lorraine’s family

Henry was taken to be put to sleep at six months old as his leg was badly smashed. Luckily, the vet nurse asked for his life to be spared, and after having his front leg amputated, he came to us.

Having three legs has not held Henry back and he’s fearless. In his younger days, he could always outrun our Lurchers. He’s getting old now but he’s still the boss in our house.

Having three legs has not held Henry back

He’s welcomed many rescue dogs that we’ve fostered over the years and helped them overcome their fears. Our other dogs respect him and know he’s a special boy.

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