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British Dogs

Meet Sammy

Sometimes Sammy has so many people waiting on him, Stephanie thinks he’s more human than dog

He’s the best thing since sliced bread – a human with four paws. He's not easy to wake in the morning because he likes to stay wrapped up in my dressing gown until I get sorted.

He enjoys the perks of two houses, as he passes between ours and the neighbours via his own self-made gate in the fence. He goes there to play and comes home to sleep.

He’s the best thing since sliced bread

He loves ‘hunt the treat’ games, as well as the usual doggy toys. He asks to go out for a wee by peeping round the corner of the room and giving a small 'chuff' sound. He also makes the same noise when he wants to come up on the sofa – he’s a dog with manners.

He has his own masseuse (my friend), his own eye cleaner (my husband) and his own bottom cleaner (me). Can you get any more human than that? Or is he just a spoilt pooch? We love him loads, for all his traits.

Meet Winnie

Samantha knew that Winnie the rescue dog would be a perfect addition to her family

We got Winnie as a companion for our autistic son. She was due to come home to us the week of the first lock down, and sadly the process ended up being delayed. We felt so sorry for her as it meant had to stay at the shelter for a little while longer. But, we kept our hopes up and as soon as the restrictions eased, we were told we could come and collect her.

We’re always here to protect her

At first, she was extremely shy and wouldn’t come near us, but we gave her space and over time she stared to realise just how much we love her. We’ve had to build up her confidence bit by bit and show her the joys of the big wide world – but also reassure her that we’re always here to protect her.

Winnie is now a loved member of our family, and is not only a true friend to our son Jake, but also a pal to our other pets. Jake loves her so much, and she’s been a huge help to him throughout these uncertain times.

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Meet Teddy Bear

When Tina first laid eyes on Teddy Bear, she knew he would be a friend for life. From Canada to the UK, they’re always there for each other.

While living in Canada in 2014, we visited an event called Bark in the Park and came across Teddy Bear who was offered for adoption. He melted my heart and as my husband worked away from home, knew he would be the perfect company for my son and I. He came home with us that day and we have never regretted it for a moment.

He joined our family and immediately became boss. His nickname was ‘Houdini’ as he managed to escape out of four crates – let's just say it was his way of telling us he hated to be penned in.

In 2016 we decided to move back to the UK and flew Teddy back on the same flight with us. We could never have left him behind.

He melted my heart

He's a big dog, German Shepherd and Husky cross. It took him some time to adjust to the new urban lifestyle as he missed the snow, but with lots of fuss from family he soon became a member of their family too. Teddy loves being outside so we taught him to ring a bell with his nose when he wants to go out – and yes, he rings them all the time!

His favourite thing to do is play ball. He’s a very clever pooch and loves to talk when he wants attention and cuddles. He also loves to be bushed and will just sit there all day wanting to be petted, brushed or massaged.

He also has a quirky one ear up and one ear down so always looks cute. As my husband works away Monday to Friday Teddy has become my main companion. My working life revolves around Teddy to ensure he is not left alone too long. He is my youngest baby and my best friend.

Meet Indie

Lena struggled with Indie as a pup, but 13 years later, she’s more than happy she persevered with her

I rescued Indie when she was six months old. By then, we were already her third owners. She’s a Great Dane Labrador cross and she’s going to be 13 in April.

I’ve had many wonderful years with her

She was certainly a challenge and we shed a lot of tears. My husband at the time even wanted to rehome her. But she’s such a character and I’ve had many wonderful years with her since.

She’s one of seven dogs that I own currently. Six of them are rescues from Apollo’s Angels, which is a charity in Cyprus I’ve been involved in running for the last 10 years. We’ve now rehomed more than 1,200 abandoned hunting dogs from Cyprus to the UK. This July will be the charity’s 10th anniversary.

Meet Fynn

It’s all aboard for Claire and her sailing buddy Fynn, who has a tendency to make his co-sailors a little seasick…

Fynn is our sailing buddy. As a Labrador, he delights in all forms of water!

He splashes through the waves

Since he was a puppy he has come on board with us on our dinghy, and has always enjoyed every moment of it. We love his company as he splashes through the waves, trying his hardest to catch flotsam and jetsam and make other water users smile.

His company is somewhat less enjoyable in our canoe due to his excited dashes from side to side in order to look over into the water. He is indeed a water dog through and through, and a sail would not be the same without him!

Meet Joey

Kelly and Joey were a match made in heaven, and not just because of Kelly’s ready supply of tennis balls!

Joey found us, post lockdown #1. I placed an advert detailing the life we could offer a dog. Perhaps someone had over-dogged themselves during the pandemic and wanted to reconsider, but also wanted the best for their pooch. It turns out there was someone in that position and they contacted my ad and the stars aligned. Joey joined us in October 2020. He was six months old and a true working lab. He needed a job.

I have never known a dog love his tennis balls so much!

As we got to know his character, Joey’s true calling emerged: to save tennis balls at all costs. I have never known a dog love his tennis balls so much! If he’s not retrieving his own, he’s searching for those little rubber critters others he’s lost. We have a tub full of balls we never set out with!

He loves entertaining us as we seek out new routes to walk on the south coast. We’re very glad he found us. He’s a sensitive soul, brain always in overdrive (if not always engaged), loves his cuddles and is very handsome… but maybe I’m biased!

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