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British Dogs

Meet George

Over the past five years, Liz has watched George transform from a naughty little puppy into the best dog she could ask for

George was the most mischievous pup ever. He was banned from two different dog training classes and the trainer refused to have him. He was also banned from our local pub for trying to bully the landlord’s dog. At home, he chewed through kitchen work tops, chair legs, cushions etc... I could go on.

Now, he’s the best boy ever. Our family wouldn’t be without him. At the age of five, he’s already blind in one eye, but it doesn’t hold him back. We just love him.

George was the most mischievous pup ever

Meet Yogi

After helping Sarah recover from the loss of her first pup, Yogi is now supporting his local community as well

Yogi Bear brings light and love into our lives. We had a puppy before him, who was diagnosed with a congenital heart condition – we looked after him until the end. Then Yogi healed our scars.

Yogi healed our scars

I soon realised he was incredibly sociable, and people loved him. I started taking him to the care home that backs onto our garden. Some of the patients never speak, but they can all say ‘Yogi’!

He also visits a local nursery, and the kids LOVE him. You always want to give back to the community, and Yogi is my faithful pup helping me do that. He’s my shadow, so kind and gentle. But if you drive an Amazon van, he suddenly thinks he’s a Doberman!

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Meet Teddy

From the moment Beth saw Teddy, she knew he was going to be part of her family

Teddy came into the vets where I work needing a home. My little girl had been desperate for a dog for so long, and I knew straight away he was theone for us.

I knew straight away he was the one for us

We brought him home just before the first lockdown and he is the best thing that could have happened to us. He became my daughter’s best friend and helped her get through a really tough time. He also gets us out for walks in all weathers, which has been amazing for our fitness. He is like a snuggly little bear, and we feel like the luckiest dog owners in the world.

Meet Chewy

Tracey loves her dog Chewy for all his adorable – and hilarious – quirks

Chewy came into my life a year ago, back when I really didn’t think I had the room for another pet. At the time, we already had two elderly dogs who have sadly now departed, and if it wasn’t for Chewy, I don’t know how I would have coped.

He is adorable and such a character

I fell in love with Chewy as soon as I saw him. He is adorable and such a character that it didn’t take long before my partner was smitten too. Chewy is very stubborn (apparently this is a common trait amongst bulldogs), and he sulks if you ask him to do something he doesn’t want to do, like go out for a walk when it’s raining. He has a thing about cardboard boxes and loves to tear them to shreds. He is very greedy and will go to any lengths to claim food, even if it’s not something he actually likes!

Chewy is big and solid but still believes he is a lap dog, so loves to curl up on my knee in the evening. He really is a wonderful addition to our family, and I couldn’t have asked for a better lockdown buddy.

Meet Bruno

Bruno has been helping Rachel and her family heal after the tragic loss of their previous pup

Bruno is my whole life! In April 2020, at the beginning of Covid, we were lucky enough to become paw-rents to Barnum, our first Newfoundland. Our love for Barnum was instantaneous and we enjoyed watching him grow. But just after he celebrated his first birthday, he became ill with a large tumour in his liver. We had no choice but to put him to sleep. My heart broke.

I never imagined my heart would ever heal, or that I’d be able to be happy again. But in May 2021, Bruno was born. Sadly, his mum passed away from heart failure after a c-section, so he was hand reared, and I knew I would have to be an extra special mama to him.

Eight weeks later, he came to live with us in Scotland. My very broken heart was about to start healing. From the first moment I saw Bruno, I knew Barnum had sent him to help me heal. It was instant love, and it has grown every day.

Bruno is 22 months old now and is the most gentle and loving dog. He knows when I’m sad and he’s always there to make me happy. Even when I’m happy, he has the ability to make me happier. He has healed our hearts and makes us smile every day.

He’s the sweetest puppy, but he weighs in at 66kg, so his zoomies are something special, especially when he’s running over for a cuddle. He loves to kiss, cuddle and sit on our feet – or sometimes even our knees! He’s the biggest bundle of love and I love absolutely everything about him. His love is special – there are no words to describe it.

He has healed our hearts

Meet Barney Bear

Barney, affectionately known as Barney Bear, has been a restorative source of joy for Jacqueline

When my dad passed away in 2020, I thought I’d never smile again – he passed away from Covid and I couldn’t say goodbye to him.

Shortly after, we decided to get a puppy. My dad was a shepherd, and his Border Collie was called Barney, so I decided to call him Barney to keep Dad’s memory alive. This name soon became ‘Barney Bear’.

He’s my best friend and I smile every time I see his cute face!

Barney-Bear is a Shorkie, and to say he changed my life would be an understatement. He mended my broken heart and taught me how to smile again.

After being my dad’s full-time carer, I’ve found purpose in my life again. I’ve also taught Barney-Bear how to do lots of fun tricks. My personal favourite is his silent bark (he’ll bark silently on command if he gets a treat). He’s my best friend and I smile every time I see his cute face!

He saved me from a very dark place, and I love him dearly for it.

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