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British Dogs

Meet Coco

Coco was a totally unexpected addition to Irene’s life, but she wouldn’t have had it any other way

I found Coco completely by accident. I went to see some puppies with my sister and nieces one day and came out with a puppy of my own. I hadn’t even really thought much about getting a dog, but I got lucky as Coco is the funniest, kindest and cheekiest dog ever!

She can understand commands in three languages: English, Spanish and Italian. But she chooses when to pay attention to them, no matter the language. She doesn’t do many tricks but has some funny habits.

She can understand commands in three languages

In the evenings, she always expects her teeth to be cleaned after her last walk of the day. When you tell her 'teeth time', she jumps on the sofa and waits patiently while we clean her teeth, put her paw balm on and brush her fur. She is a very good walker, but when she gets tired, she finds the closest bus stop and sits down, expecting to jump on the next bus – she always needs to have the window seat!

Coco makes everyone's lives better. My mum was never a fan of dogs, but she is now totally besotted and makes amazing outfits for Coco (she is the most stylish dog we know). Although getting Coco wasn’t a premeditated decision, I have zero regrets and am glad I had that moment of madness.

Somehow, I also think it was meant to be, as my dad always loved dogs and had many while growing up. But when he married my mum, he had to give them up. He died of Covid in 2020, and in some ways, I think Coco is the dog he was always meant to have.

Meet Bailey

Bailey has a secret talent that keeps Niki on her toes!

As a puppy, Bailey taught himself how to open doors. Everywhere he went, be it the groomers, doggie day care or the vet, we had to remind them to lock the doors so he couldn’t escape. On one occasion, he had to go to the vets for an X-ray and, as they didn’t have a crate big enough for him, he was put in a consulting room to recover from the sedative. When he felt well enough to realise he had been left alone, he attempted to open the door and let himself out, but inadvertently caught the snib lock with this paw and locked himself in. The vet had to call the locksmith to come and release him!

Locked himself in


Meet Nova

Leanne and her partner love their fluffy companion, Nova, who brightens up their lives with her adorable quirks.

Nova came into my life at a moment when I really needed something to give me a boost – and she sure did that! Her energy, playfulness and the love she gives my partner and I is second to none.

When she smiles and her tongue hangs out

She loves to go to the park so much that, even just a mention of it and she does a little hop and a skip, then runs off in search of her lead! In the evenings she does her ‘zoomies’, where she runs around in circles then jumps up onto the sofa and flips all the cushions off, which really makes us giggle.

My favourite thing about her is when she smiles and her tongue hangs out of the side of her mouth. I’ve yet to meet someone who isn’t taken in by Nova’s charms. Affectionate, caring, lovable and at times cheeky, she’s the best companion we could ever have and we absolutely adore her.

Meet Roscoe

Roscoe the hilarious dog is a cherished member of Katrina’s family

We’ve had Roscoe since he was 10 weeks old. He is a bundle of fun and trouble all rolled into one! He’s chewed pretty much everything in my house, but every time I look into his big, brown eyes I can’t stay angry for long.

A bundle of fun and trouble all rolled into one

Throughout lockdown he has kept our family entertained by learning new tricks and just being his happy self. If you’re sad, he comes over and sits on your lap to cheer you up, even though he’s a huge Labrador!

Roscoe is a ball of energy and jumps from the chair to the sofa doing zoomies, knocking over anything and everything in his path. He loves his ball and also enjoys going for a swim. Our dog is a hugely important member of our family, and everyone who meets him wants to keep him.

Meet Lily

Lily’s love for life has helped Kathryn’s children to get outside and stay positive

Lily is a fun-loving English Springer Spaniel. She is obsessed with tennis balls and loves to swim!

Her boundless energy and love for the outdoors is helping my four teenagers to get through lockdown. She gives them something to do each day and gets them out of the house and into the fresh air.

She keeps our whole household smiling

One of her favourite pastimes is chasing my 19-year-old son as he skateboards around the park. Lily is truly bonkers and a best friend to all of my children. She keeps our whole household smiling through even the darkest days.

Meet Gimli

Since Rosie’s children have left home, Gimli has filled the gap they left with lots of laughs and constant support

Gimli is our sixth rehomed dog, and has been with us nearly five years. He's a joy. He loves humans and always invites them to tickle his ears. He also loves playing with the dogs he sees regularly on his walks.

His dedication to sniffing when he's outside always reminds us of a reader with a very good book. My husband now calls his walks ‘going to the library’.

Gimli stops us being empty nesters

Gimli’s my constant companion. When I fractured my femur last June, we had to wait 10.5 hours for an ambulance. For all that time, he sat quietly and supportively by my side, near the fracture. When the ambulance team came, he welcomed them and stood back quietly as they manoeuvred me onto a stretcher and into the ambulance.

Our children have flown the nest now to have their own lives (rightly so), but Gimli stops us being empty nesters. He fills the house with fun and welcomes all the affection we used to give the children with genial appreciation.


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