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British Dogs

Meet Zayat

Whether she’s stealing tea towels or picking up things they drop, Zayat is always making Mandy and her family laugh with her cheeky antics

Zayat is such a character. She does so many funny things, and always makes us laugh. She’s also very clever, so if we drop anything, even if it’s tiny, she’ll find it, put it between her lips and look at us. Then we’ll ask her ‘what’ve you got?’, and she finally spits it out so we can see what it is.

We call her the phantom tea towel snatcher

We can hide anything, say ‘go find it’ and she would sniff it out. She often understands what we’re saying, so she knows people by name, and can read our body language. If we need cheering up, Zayat will always make us feel better.

She loves to take our socks off and our hats. We call her the phantom tea towel snatcher as she will steal the tea towel at any opportunity. We don't even realise she’s taken it as she does it so craftily, then she runs off with it so proudly. Life would be very dull without Zayat – she’s a one off!

Meet Dudley

With Dudley around, Caroline knows life could never be boring!

Dudley is clever, funny and loves nothing more than to be in the garden with me. Once, he tried to open my green house to run away with the plant pots, which have no chance of surviving if he gets his paws on them.He also has a habit of chewing all my flower heads off!

Run away with the plant pots

He is very affectionate and loves to go on walks, especially with my grandsons, who he is very gentle with. He also enjoys stealing laundry from the washing machine and using it as a chew toy. Dudley has captured our hearts, and always makes everyone around him smile.

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Meet Enzo

Ellie adores Enzo for all of his quirks and his hilarious personality

Enzo is a very chilled dog. Every time he sits down, he likes to cross his paws, which I think makes him look very posh! And, instead of blinking normally, he winks at us instead. He just sits there with his paws crossed, winking at us – it’s hilarious! He also loves his bow tie, which we bought because we felt like it suited his funny personality.

He also loves his bow tie

Meet Ned

Ned’s visual impairment hasn’t stopped him from being a wonderful friend to Lindsay – as well as a fantastic worker

This is Ned, our English springer spaniel. He lost his sight in one eye shortly after he was born due to a detached retina, but it doesn’t stop him from being a brilliant working dog, a great big brother to 18-month-old Flo the springer, and the best companion to our two children.

We wouldn’t be without him

Ned loves exploring new places with his partners in crime by his side. He’s a loyal, loving, high energy bundle of fun. We wouldn’t be without him!

Meet Freud

Not only has Freud supported Maria with her own mental health, but he’s now doing the same thing for her psychotherapy clients

I got Freud whilst studying to become a psychotherapist – we were studying Freud at the time. I have bipolar, so from a very young age Freud would support me if I felt low or had a panic attack by snuggling into me. He’s now a registered emotional support dog and comes with me when I see clients from ages 5-18 years old.

He’s a registered emotional support dog

Freud is half Pomeranian and half Chihuahua. He’s full of energy, but also knows when to be calm and cuddly. He loves other people, children and animals and lives with his bunny rabbit brother and sister, Brody and Brienne, who are free to roam my house 24/7. Freud loves them and is really gentle with them, but he does pinch their broccoli in the morning.

Freud loves to come kayaking with us and is a little poser in front of the camera. He has posed for local college students and was amazing at it. Freud has made such a positive impact on my life and now he's doing the same thing for my clients. I can't imagine life without him – he's a little star.

Meet Bea

No matter what life throws at them, Carol and her dog Bea know that they can get through it together.

Me and my best friend Bea have supported, and in some ways saved, each other in the four years since we met at a local rehoming centre. Bea came to me after being picked up on a motorway, having been hit by a vehicle. After six months of rehabilitation, which saw her learn to use her leg again after losing around 4cm of bone, she was on the road to recovery.

Bea gave me purpose to continue

It was during this time that a life-changing event happened in my life – one that brought me great loss and grieving. If it wasn’t for the love of my girl Bea, I would have struggled to carry on, but to know that she was there and needed my help, gave me purpose to continue. I saved her, so in turn she saved me. I couldn’t ask for a more loyal and loving companion.

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