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British Dogs

Meet Yogi

After helping Sarah recover from the loss of her first pup, Yogi is now supporting his local community as well

Yogi Bear brings light and love into our lives. We had a puppy before him, who was diagnosed with a congenital heart condition – we looked after him until the end. Then Yogi healed our scars.

Yogi healed our scars

I soon realised he was incredibly sociable, and people loved him. I started taking him to the care home that backs onto our garden. Some of the patients never speak, but they can all say ‘Yogi’!

He also visits a local nursery, and the kids LOVE him. You always want to give back to the community, and Yogi is my faithful pup helping me do that. He’s my shadow, so kind and gentle. But if you drive an Amazon van, he suddenly thinks he’s a Doberman!

Meet Sam

Lynda was devastated when Sam suddenly went blind last year but, to her amazement, he hasn’t let that slow him down at all

Sam has shown me that even in dark times, there can still be light. Up until September last year, he was a fun-loving, adventurous young Collie who lived life to the full. Then he went blind, almost overnight. Long story short, despite tests and an excellent specialist, the reason for this remains unknown.

My husband and I were devastated and our other Collie, Caley, soon realised something was wrong as her playmate could no longer see her to play. However, despite the shock and heartache, I immediately started looking into how a blind dog could still live a full and happy life.

Sam has shown me that even in dark times, there can still be light

Sam and I have worked together, learning new commands such as ‘step up’, ‘step down’, ‘careful’ etc. Caley and I wear bells when we are out so he can hear where we are. As a result, he is still able to walk off lead in most places. We live in the Scottish Highlands and he was used to a lot of freedom before he went blind, so it's fantastic that this hasn't been taken away from him along with his sight.

He still enjoys swimming and belts around the garden as if he were sighted. He has inspired me every single day. My sadness for him is still there, but he’s taught me that, despite your setbacks, you can still get on with life and live it to the full. He is absolutely amazing, and I hope he goes on to have many years of adventures up here in Scotland.

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Meet Rocky

Rocky the Corgi is a loyal companion to Helen’s sister, and has helped her thrive in more ways than one

Rocky is my sister’s Corgi. My sister has suffered with asthma and related illnesses for a long time. Sometimes, things get so bad she doesn’t even want to leave the house. Rocky has had a hugely positive impact on her life, as now she loves to go on numerous walks a day with him, even when she isn’t feeling her best.

Rocky is the friendliest dog I know and always has a smile on his face, which is returned by everyone who meets him. He’s so sociable that he’s made friends in the local park, which is great because it means my sister has too. The pair of them are quite well known in our local area.

He’s made friends in the local park

After 12 months, we finally taught him how to walk up the stairs, as his little legs are not the best for this. He has since gained confidence and is so cheeky he even jumps up on the sofa, for which my sister blames me! He likes to keep us on our toes, and once surprised my sister by hiding inside her bed – she only realised when she climbed in!

Rocky is wonderful company and I know my sister would not be without him.

Meet Jessie

In 2019, Lisa raised more than £2,000 for her local Christie Hospital to thank them for the care she received there, and she couldn’t have done it without her dog, Jessie

I've always been a keen walker and, in 2019, I embarked on a challenge to ‘walk the year’ – 2,019 miles with my best walking pal, Jessie, a Bedlington Whippet cross. We were raising funds for our local Christie Hospital, where I had been an inpatient 10 years previously. I was discharged from their care that year and felt the need to give something back.

Together, we soon raised, and exceeded, the target of £2,019, and we completed our challenge by August 2019. In truth, Jessie probably completed the challenge in March or April, such is her boundless energy.

She has an innocent zest for life

Jessie was with me every step of the way. Her good humour and enthusiasm was always there to keep me going. She has an innocent zest for life and she’s the most willing of walking companions, especially if there's cooked chicken in my rucksack.

We spent glorious days exploring the West Pennine Moors and beyond and, without Jessie, I know I wouldn't have ventured out on some of those wet and wild Lancashire days!

Having a walking companion who listens without interrupting, who goes where you want to go and who is happy to just be with you is priceless. And when I found myself lost on the moors, she was always there to give me a kiss and a cheery smile.

Meet Brea

Brea had a shock diagnosis while still a puppy, but it hasn’t stopped her from becoming a clever and considerate girl

We got Brea on a whim. We’d discussed getting a dog for years, but we’d never taken the idea further. Then, one day, my partner told me someone he knew had some Labrador puppies and, well, the rest is history!

We had a choice of three girl pups, but it was Brea that chose us, refusing to play with her litter mates, and spending the whole time at our feet. She didn’t even cry when she left her litter.

Brea had a rough start to life when she developed a limp that worsened rapidly. It turned out she had a rare bone condition in her elbow and required surgery at six months old. The recovery was expensive, long, and difficult when it came to trying to contain her puppy energy, but we put the time to great use with training. The surgery went well and three years later, the bolt in her elbow gives her no issues.

We’re so grateful and proud she chose us as her family

She’s an obedient dog, knows many commands and tricks and is very enthusiastic to do them, particularly when there is a treat in hand – a typical labrador!

She’s also kind and intelligent. When my mum had knee surgery, she used a walking stick when taking Brea on a walk to steady herself on uneven ground. To our amazement, Brea refused to run ahead when off the lead, and instead stuck next to my mum the entire walk, slowly guiding and taking her around fallen trees on a safer path – we couldn’t believe it! As soon as my mum put her stick away, Brea ran into the water or began playing with her favourite item, pine cones, which she chucks in the air.

We struggle to imagine life without Brea, and are so grateful and proud she chose us as her family.

Meet Mia

Life hasn’t been easy for Karen, but Mia has been the best possible companion to get her through even the toughest days

Some people would say Mia is 'just a dog', but she came into my life at a time when I really needed lifting up. My life changed drastically when I became seriously ill when she was five months old, and I am still recuperating six years later.

Mia brings me so much happiness and has been my only company for years. Her cuddles, wagging tail and happy licks have helped me through the hardest times. She has given me purpose – a reason to get out of bed and carry on.

Her unconditional love makes every day brighter

A simple glance at her, even when she's sleeping, causes her to wag her tail and make me smile. She loves and accepts the 'real' me, even though her life has not been what I planned for her, but what I can manage to do with her.

Her biggest love is water and muddy puddles, the smellier the better. Even the muddy spaniel days are fun! I am so proud of her. She's well behaved and a joy to be around. To me, she's not 'just a dog', she's family – the one mainstay in my life.

Mia’s the epitome of joyfulness, though crazy at times, and she’s my furever friend! Her unconditional love makes every day brighter. Here's to celebrating the bond that makes life so special.

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