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British Dogs

Meet Pixie

Raven’s dog Pixie might be getting older, but she’s still got the same zest for life she’s had since she was a puppy

Pixie is a feisty, scruffy little black Border Terrier Miniature Poodle cross. Her well-earned nickname as a puppy was Taz, after the Tasmanian Devil, as she was a whirlwind of destruction. Keeping her well plied with toys saved our own toys and furniture!

Pixie has only ever known love and comfort

She’s a very sweet little dog, who loves everybody, even the family cat. Despite being 15 years old, she’s still very agile and lively with no stiffness. She still loves her favourite toy – a squeaky, startled baked potato that she’s had since she was a puppy.

Pixie has only ever known love and comfort, and she’s a great snuggler at night. She’s family.

Meet Rio

Rio the rescue dog is Lesley’s best friend – and now the support he offers her has been extended to struggling schoolchildren through the Pets as Therapy charity

Rio is a rescue dog who was found as a stray in Wales around eight years ago. He got taken to a high-kill shelter where he would have been put down after 14 days if no one claimed him. Luckily, a worker at the shelter contacted a rescue centre who took him in.

I rehomed Rio after seeing his beautiful picture on the rescue centre’s web page. When I met him for the first time, he lay down at my feet and looked up at me with these big brown eyes and I decided then and there he was the dog for me. Rio had obviously been abused in the past as he would cower at the sight of boots and sticks, and would even be frightened of pats on his head. With patience and love, he is now no longer living in fear and enjoys a life of luxury!

Rio is the gentlest, goofiest soul there is

Rio is the gentlest, goofiest soul there is. He very quickly became my best friend and has greatly supported my mental and physical health over the past eight years. Throughout the pandemic, he kept me company and never failed to cheer me up even when things got really tough.

Around six years ago, I came across the Pets as Therapy charity and I decided to see if Rio would be a suitable candidate to become a PAT dog. He passed the assessment with flying colours and he now accompanies me to school once a week where he supports children with literacy difficulties and those who are struggling with their mental health. Crucially, his visits have also taught children how to treat animals with respect, how to care for them and he has even helped five pupils overcome their fear of dogs.

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Meet Cisco

Ever since Elaine adopted Cisco a couple of years ago, he has grown from a nervous rescue into a loving, playful dog

Cisco is an Ibizan Hound cross. He was in a rescue centre in Spain, where he was handed in by a hunter, and then he was moved here to the UK. He was very fearful to begin with, and he still often gets unsettled by people he doesn't know.

It has been an honour to build a bond with Cisco

It has been an honour to build a bond with Cisco and gain his trust over the two years since we adopted him. He loves cuddles and lying against us. His personality has blossomed, and he’s become a goofy character at times. He pads his paws on the spot when he’s excited and can appear like a cartoon character.

He still finds the world scary sometimes, but he has shown so much resilience. He’s also always been a gentle boy and never reacted in an aggressive way, even when he’s frightened.

Meet Flossie

Flossie never leaves Hannah’s side, even on her wedding day and honeymoon!

My dog Flossie is my fur baby. She comes absolutely everywhere with me and my husband, including our wedding six months ago. Flossie was the guest of honour and made our day even more special.

We also took her on our honeymoon to the Lake District, where we had lots of fun adventures together, from climbing hills to riding a steam train.

She was the guest of honour at our wedding

Flossie’s favourite thing in the world is socks – she will sneak upstairs and have a good rummage through the washing pile until she finds one. She then proceeds to bury her sock treasure in any blanket or cushion she can find. If you leave a sock somewhere, it’s fair game!

Flossie recently celebrated her fourth birthday. The above photo is from her annual birthday photoshoot. There are more photos of Flossie in our phones than anything else – I’m sure all dog owners can relate!

Meet Nim

Katie know Nim was the dog for her when she was only a four-week-old pup, and since then she’s only continued to prove her right

Nim has only been in my life for 11 months, but I met her on the day she was born. And when she tried to drink some of my gin at four weeks old, I knew that was it – we were best friends for life.

She is the happiest and most trusting little spaniel. She loves a beach walk and digging holes, often barking and growling as she digs as she gets cross when the sand falls back in! She also loves an open field where she leaps like a gazelle through long grass.

My life has never felt more fulfilled

She adores all of the people in her life, and she likes to round everyone up and keep them together. When visiting my mum and dad (her grandparents), she won’t settle down to relax until we’re all squashed onto the same sofa. Otherwise, she spends all night swapping from seat to seat and glaring at whoever dares to sit elsewhere.

She is consistently the reason I get up in the morning, and the reason I travel around the country to visit beautiful places that I think she deserves to see. I work very hard to provide the life for her that she deserves, and my life has never felt more fulfilled than it has since the day she came home.

Meet Abbie

Abbie is Andrea’s fitness buddy and green-pawed assistant

Abbie is a beautiful dog with such a lovely temperament. She is the reason I exercise every day. With her by my side, I can walk for miles. My husband was chief walker until I started exercising for weight loss. Abbie keeps me focussed on my goal.

With her by my side, I can walk for miles

She is constantly fascinated with the veg I started growing last year. She’salso very friendly and enjoys regular cuddles with all the delivery drivers.

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