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British Dogs

Meet Pebbles

Pebbles came into Ellie’s life while she was recovering from breast cancer – and she turned out to be exactly what she needed

I adopted Pebbles when she was 15 weeks old from a rescue centre. She’s a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel with the sweetest face and waggy tail. I was recovering from breast cancer at the time, and still felt anxious after a year of treatment. She constantly made me laugh – she’d even walk around with my finger in her mouth, leading me round the room!

Pebbles has made me enjoy life again

Now, she brings me toys and wakes me up every morning with a kiss. She always tells me when she wants a cuddle. She’s just my best friend.

Pebbles has made me enjoy life again and look to the future. We love walks and trips to the pub or shops. I’ve also enrolled her on a scent detection course, and she’s been having so much fun doing it.

I think she actually rescued me, and I’m grateful every day for the happiness and love she provides. Her nickname is Starfish as she sleeps on her back with her legs out, like a starfish.

Meet Lily

Lily is a bit of a character, but Jacquie wouldn’t have it any other way

Lily is my everyday hero, and she has been ever since my husband John and I got her as a rescue 10 years ago from Border Terrier Welfare.

She’s slowed down a bit now, but still loves life – walking regularly each morning, scrounging as many treats as she can and chasing away cats from the garden.

She loves visitors and welcomes them with licks

When we got her, only three weeks had passed since we lost our old Border Terrier. We were so distraught, but her unconditional love soon melted our hearts.

At first, Lily was a bit of a mischief. She used to love destroying toys! We even had to get an outside letterbox, because she’d grab any letters through the post-box, run off with them and then destroy them if given half the chance.

She loves visitors and welcomes them with licks as kisses. She’s made lots of friends over the years and has won photo competitions, too. I could go on forever!

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Meet Shandy

Shandy may be a rescue dog, but she’s saved her owner Paula in so many ways

I rescued Shandy from Spain. She was a street dog, and some ex-pats in the village found her and took her to the local rescue centre. When I heard her story, I knew she deserved a safe and loving home with us.

Our dog has completed our family

She has long legs and almost trots when running. She won't eat her food unless I say it's OK and she’s so gentle with our other tiny rescue dog, it makes my heart sing to watch them play and have fun!

Shandy has boosted my mental health. I was feeling pretty low after losing my job, but the long walks we take together have been so good for both of us. Our dog has completed our family and watching her grow more confident every day has been a joy for us all.

Meet Frank

From looking after his health to making him laugh, Frank the Dachshund is James’s best pal

Frank is such a character. He absolutely loves cuddles. Being a Dachshund, he can usually be found snuggling under a blanket, or wrapped up in a cardigan all cosy and warm. He constantly tries to 'burrow' under the duvet if he’s on the bed.

He’ll appear in the doorway as if by magic

He also loves food, and his favourites includes eggs, toast and bananas. Frank can sense when one of us is eating a banana without him. Once youstart peeling, he’ll appear in the doorway as if by magic, ready for a bite!

I suffer from seizures, and Frank always senses when I am having one andwill not leave my side until I have recovered. He’s a firm part of our family

Meet Ruby

Not only does Ruby help with Amanda’s anxiety, but she also brings endless fun and laughter into her life

I suffer from anxiety and Ruby has helped enormously. Stroking her always makes things feel better.

She may be 12 now, but she still loves to play games

But more than that, she makes me laugh every day. We have conversations and she copies my tone of voice. She may be 12 now, but she still loves to play games and tease me.

She gets incredibly excited if we play ‘round and round the garden’ when she’s lying on her back – and I swear she laughs when we get to ‘tickle you under there’!

Meet Arlo

Thanks to owner Claire, Arlo is a small dog that will help make a big impact when he’s older

Arlo is a beautiful four-month-old pup who was part of a litter of 10. They thought mummy dog had finished after nine, but out popped the runt, Arlo!

But out popped the runt, Arlo!

I’m currently training him to be an assistance dog with help and support from our local charity, Ability Dogs 4 Young People.

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