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British Dogs

Meet Pebble

Pebble came into Linda’s life exactly when she needed her, and she’s made every day a little brighter since

Pebble is my little furry rock. When I lost my husband to cancer, the loneliness was so hard to bear. So, after a lot of research and talking to friends, I decided to look for a puppy. I came across a litter of Beddlington Whippets – the mum was a first cross Beddlington Whippet and the dad was a full pedigree Whippet.

Pebble was one of nine in the litter – two others were smooth-haired like her, while the other six were rough-coated. I fell for her the first moment I saw her at six weeks old. When she was old enough to leave her mum, she came to live with me and has been my constant companion ever since.

I fell for her the first moment I saw her

She's fun, makes me laugh every day and gets me out of the house. I now have plenty of exercise and stop to chat to so many people who marvel at how fast she is. In the evenings we cuddle on the sofa, and she gets into some of the most unusual goofy positions.

We go away together in my campervan and have attended many fun dog shows, country fairs and other charity events – she’s so pretty, she’s done well in many of the shows. She does also have her quirks, like recently she became scared of a new water bowl! And she’s nosey, so she’s been known to walk into fences and walls because she’s turning to look behind her. She’s the very best dog in the world and always brings a smile to my face.

Meet Ed & Dave

When owner Pamela had a nasty fall, Dave the pug and Ed the Shar Pei teamed up for a simply astonishing rescue effort

On 7 July this year, I had a twist of my left ankle, fell and hit my back off a wall. I have MS and I use a stick but wasn’t doing anything stupid – just watching my two dogs play, turned around and that was it.

My son works from home and had just gone upstairs, so I knew I was in trouble as no one could have heard me. Dave my pug is trained to pick things I drop up, but I hadn’t dropped anything, so I told them to go get my son. They ran into the kitchen and stood barking but my son just kept working thinking they were playing.

It had started to rain and I knew I was in trouble as I couldn’t move and my breathing had become very shallow. In between them running in and out, I asked them to get my phone but it wasn’t on the floor so Dave was confused. I know Ed my Shar Pei loves the furry toy on my phone, so I asked him to get it.

Dear knows how long I’d have been out in the rain without my two super dogs

By now I’d been lying on the path for 20 minutes and knew I had done something bad. Ed came over and I could move my head, so I held onto him and he slowly pulled me towards the backdoor. He then lifted my phone but dropped it as he wasn’t really allowed to touch it, but then Dave grabbed it and gave it to me.

I texted “help fallen” and down my son came. He called 999, and when the medics saw me, they too knew I’d done something. They thought I’d punctured a lung, but after getting IV morphine I was somehow into the ambulance and blue lighted to hospital.

I’d broken my ankle and my back, and was in hospital for seven weeks, then got home needing carers, nurses and physios. I’m on the way to better health now, but dear knows how long I’d have been out in the rain without my two super dogs.

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Meet Lavender

Lavender always puts students at ease when she sits in on Lauren’s school therapy sessions

I am a therapist working in a secondary school. Lavender has been working alongside me for a year, providing emotional support (in the form of cuddles, companionship and licks) to the teenagers that I see. It has been amazing seeing how transformative her presence is. Therapy can be very intense and daunting, and having Lavender in the room can be a real comfort for those who are finding it difficult for any number of reasons.

She is incredibly intelligent

At home, we enjoy lots of lovely walks and playtime together, where she can relax and have fun. She is incredibly intelligent, and we love to learn new tricks. Lavender is very food motivated (typical Lab!) and loves to sit by me when I’m preparing dinner in the hopes that some carrot or courgette will find their way to her.

She is precious to me, and I couldn’t imagine life without her. She has had such a wonderful impact on so many people just by being her silly, loving and affectionate self.

Meet Georgie

Georgie brings a lot of love and positivity into Euan’s life every single day, just by being her adorable self.

Georgie is a fun-loving and hilarious little character. She loves going on long adventures and exploring new things! 

She has been a key part of our family ever since we got her, and she’s helped us so much through lockdown. Her constant joy brightens our day and taking her for walks has helped us to get out and about more too.

Her constant joy brightens our day

She’s such a social butterfly and just adores people. Everyone who meets her falls in love with her straight away – she’s actually made more friends at our local pub than I have!  

She’s a great little snuggler and enjoys nothing more than a lie-in and a cuddle on the couch or the bed. 

She’s always there for you whatever you need, with a big smile and a constantly wagging tail. I couldn’t imagine ever being without her.

Meet Sadie

When Paula bought a miniature schnauzer for her daughter, she never expected to find out that ‘he’ was in fact a female dog – now known as Sadie

My daughter, Eve, had been on a campaign to get a dog since she was two years old. Every birthday or Christmas when we asked what she would like for a present, she always replied ‘a dog’.

At age 13, she said if we didn’t get one before she was 14 we could forget it as she’d get one when she left home. This made us realise that we had no good reason not to get one. So, for Christmas that year, we bought Eve a lead and dog bowl to show our commitment, and the day after Boxing Day we had a little mini schnauzer called Freddie.

She has us all wrapped around her little paw

After a few days, the breeder rang us to ask if we’d been to the vet (we had, and the vet said he hadn’t ‘dropped’ yet) and then asked for the puppy back as ‘he’ was a girl who someone wanted to breed from! Of course, now we were completely besotted with her so couldn’t part with her.

Sadie is small but mighty and makes her gentle presence felt – she has us all wrapped around her little paw. She makes us laugh, melts our hearts every day and has been the best thing we’ve ever done as a family.

Meet Hank

Hank has been mostly blind for his whole life, but he inspires Paige and her family every day with his unwaveringly upbeat personality

At a very young age, we discovered Hank was partially blind, with very little to no sight. Hanks has had multiple operations to attempt to correct his vision and many, many vet visits over his short life. He’s faced all his challenges head on, with resilience and positivity, and his tail is constantly wagging.

He makes us proud every day with how far he has come

Hank has exceeded all the expectations that we had for him. He loves his Wainwright walks off-lead, he loves to swim in the water and play with all his other doggy friends. He’s allowed us to see that no matter what life throws at you, you can overcome it with the right mindset and be just like everyone else.

He makes us proud every day with how far he has come and what a lovely natured boy he’s been throughout it all. He is a firm favourite at his vets, with the nurses continuously complimenting him on his outlook on life. He has quite a fan base! On our bad days, Hank allows us to see the positivity and keeps us going.

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