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British Dogs

Meet Peanut

Peanut never fails to bring a smile to Bella’s face, filling her home with love and a little bit of mischief

Ever since Peanut came into my life, every day has become an adventure. At just four months old, this little Frenchie already knows how to keep me on my toes with his sassy personality and hilarious antics.

His mischievousness makes me smile

Whether he’s chasing his own tail or stubbornly refusing to move until he gets his favourite treat, Peanut fills my home with laughter and love. His playful mischievousness makes me smile, even on the toughest days.

Peanut truly has this special ability to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Meet Austin

Though Sarah struggled to socialise Austin during lockdown, that’s never stopped him from wanting to be everyone’s best friend

Austin came into our lives two years after I lost my heart dog, Freedom, to heart failure. I was apprehensive about getting another dog, but the house felt empty without one. So, we decided to change breed to a Lhasa Apso and found a wonderful breeder.

Austin was a lockdown puppy, so we struggled to socialise him. But we tried to get out to as many car boots as possible. As a result, he now knows what ‘car boot’ means and often sits behind the car on Saturday mornings barking to go out!

He may be tiny, but he’s made a huge impression on us!

He loves people. If someone is following us up the road on his walk, he has to stop and wait for them to say hi. His favourite people are children and elderly women – preferably on mobility scooters! The sound of the motor gets him really excited, and he likes to sit on their step.

He is such a character and will definitely tell you when he’s not happy about something. But all he wants to do is play, cuddle and meet his adoring public. He also loves camping in our trailer tent, where he’ll sit outside for hours watching the world go by and trying to attract people over for fusses.

His best friends in the whole world are our pair of guinea pigs, Mousse and Hamilton. He likes sharing their grass biscuits, getting in their cage and napping with them. He may be tiny, but Austin has made a huge impression on us!

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Meet Wulfwynn

From her clumsy nature to her friendship with the family kitten, Wulfwynn has brought endless joy, love and laughter to Em’s life

Wulfwynn enhances the lives of myself, my husband and our young son with her affection and antics. As an Irish Wolfhound, she is completely unaware of her size, and clumsiness is definitely the order of the day. She trips over her own legs, bumps into things, and insists on trying to sit on our laps, despite being far taller than I am on her hind legs, let alone our son!

She can be a bit of a mess too, always emerging from the woods covered in leaves and twigs! However, all this awkwardness disappears when she reaches the ferns on the edge of the woods during our daily walks. Then, she flies like a bird, leaping and bounding through the undergrowth – a thing of beauty and elegance.

She insists on trying to sit on our laps, despite being far taller than I am on her hind legs

She is particularly funny with our Bengal kitten. They are definitely partners in crime. Montmorency the kitten knocks things off the piano so that Wulfwynn can chew them! They chase each other round the garden, play-fight (Montmorency giving as good as he gets), and then curl up together.

One morning, when Montmorency was still a tiny kitten, and Wulfwynn was already coming into her full size, we came down to find that we had accidentally shut both animals in the kitchen together overnight. Wulfwynn was lying on the hard floor, looking aggrieved, while the kitten was sprawled luxuriously on the huge dog bed, looking smug with satisfaction! Such joy, such love, and so many laughs!

Meet Jake

After a difficult start in life, Jake has flourished into the playful (and vocal) pooch he is today with help from Lynne’s family

Jake, our Jack Russell x Whippet, is the love of our lives, the apple of our eyes and an irrepressible bundle of fun and noise! We rescued him from the RSPCA 14 years ago, when he was about two and half years old. He had been mistreated, so he was a terrified, shivering wreck, and a shadow of the loving, confident dog he was to become.

He was frightened of everything, showed fear aggression and couldn’t bear to see us hugging, as he thought we were hurting each other. He didn’t know how to play ball and was terrified if he knocked anything over.

He has taught us all the value of patience, kindness and trust

Now he’s definitely the king of the castle and the boss of us! He is front and centre of everything that happens in our home. He steals all the cushions on the settee and takes up all the room on our bed. He has six dog beds and a sheepskin rug, so he can be warm and comfy, wherever he is in the house.

At 15, Jake still chases his tail and is really playful. He enjoys walks and shouting at all the local dogs. He has a ton of soft toys, but his favourites are a long-necked duck he loves to throw around and bark at, and a cross-eyed mouse called Mr Twister. He’s feisty and fearless and very, very vocal! But, most of all, he is very loving and affectionate. He loves cuddles and belly rubs and hates being left, which happens very rarely.

Last year, we found a lump on Jake, and we were distraught. But we’re very blessed as it turned out to be okay. This year, we’ve found out that Jake has a heart murmur. He’s just started medication, which we hope will help control it, and keep him happy and healthy for as long as possible. He has taught us all the value of patience, kindness and trust. We are so lucky to have him. Put simply, he loves us, and we love him.

Meet Treacle

Jo and her dog Treacle had plenty of time to bond on their adventure through Europe

Treacle was found abandoned in the Bulgarian ski resort we were working at last winter. She was only about two months old, and not in the best condition. We took her in and nursed her back to health until she was strong enough to go outside and play in the snow. She grew into a happy, cheeky puppy who loved to spend time with us.

When the first lockdown happened, we were stuck in Bulgaria and couldn’t get home, so we found work on a campsite nearby. Treacle adored having us around all the time, and spent her days going on long walks and playing with the other dogs on the site.

She’s a major hit with all the guests

After a while, we managed to get a new job with a caravan park in the UK, and drove all the way through Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Germany and France with Treacle sleeping in the backseat. She was so well-behaved, charming every border control team we encountered and even waiting patiently when our van broke down.

Now we’re back in England, and Treacle loves her new countryside life. She likes to sit outside on the decking of our caravan and watch the world go by, or join us for a ride around the site in a golf buggy. She’s a major hit with all the guests too, and always manages to wrangle a treat out of them!

Meet Scooby

Dawn knew that Scooby would be a positive influence, but she could never have imagined just how much he’d help her

A few years ago, I lost one of my two dogs to a brain lesion. My other 16 year-old-dog, Tia, developed severe separation anxiety, and I was told that getting another dog to keep her company could help. I visited a rescue and was shown some pups that had come over from Romania. One of them stole my heart – he was called Aris, but I changed his name to Scooby, which suits him better.

Scooby was terrified when I first brought him home. He knew nothing and had never been in a house, so he was scared of everything, especially the television. It took weeks of sitting outside on the front doorstep with him before he would venture outside. Improving his confidence was a long process, but with lots of love and patience he blossomed into the amazing dog he is today.

He blossomed into the amazing dog he is today

As I expected, introducing a pup to a 16-year-old dog wasn't easy. Scooby would grab hold of Tia's legs and drag her around (in a playful way), but because Tia wouldn't tell him off, he didn't know he was doing anything wrong. Sadly, just seven months after bringing Scooby home, we had to put Tia down. I was distraught, but Scooby was my saviour. He needed me just as much as I needed him, and he gave me a reason to get up every day. Taking him for walks got me out of the house and talking to people, but more than anything, I’m grateful for what a calming and positive influence he was in that dark time.

He didn't ever pester or whine – he was my rock and always stayed by my side. Now Scooby has a little sister (another rescue dog I adopted two months ago), and they get on so well you’d think they had always lived together.

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