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British Dogs

Meet Ned

Ned’s visual impairment hasn’t stopped him from being a wonderful friend to Lindsay – as well as a fantastic worker

This is Ned, our English springer spaniel. He lost his sight in one eye shortly after he was born due to a detached retina, but it doesn’t stop him from being a brilliant working dog, a great big brother to 18-month-old Flo the springer, and the best companion to our two children.

We wouldn’t be without him

Ned loves exploring new places with his partners in crime by his side. He’s a loyal, loving, high energy bundle of fun. We wouldn’t be without him!

Meet Tamia

Last year, Linda decided to adopt a deaf puppy as a companion for Tamia, and the pair have been best friends ever since

Tamia came to live with us just over two years ago. We love having her and she goes just about everywhere with us – camping, events, markets etc.

We always felt she was missing out on a doggy companion. Then last autumn, her breeder told us she had a deaf puppy and she needed to find the right home for him. When Tamia met him, they adored each other from the start.

They are both trained using sign language. They play, travel and are generally inseparable. She is his ears and looks out for him. When we need to recall him in the field, we ask her to find him, and she brings him back. They are the most beautiful pair, and she’s the best big sister a deaf pup could have.

She’s the best big sister a deaf pup could have

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Meet Coll

Coll came into Michelle’s life when she needed a furry companion the most

We rescued Coll from our local animal shelter almost six years ago. When we got him, I was at a low point, having just lost my dad and undergone surgery. I wasn’t able to work, and I was struggling with feelings of boredom and depression.

Coll came into our lives just at the right time

Coll came into our lives at just the right time. He gave us a reason to get up and out every day. He motivates us and makes us laugh, and we’re so very proud of how far he’s come since we adopted him. It’s not always been easy but he’s a quick learner who’s eager to please, and always gives us lots of cuddles. Coll is our best friend who we love unconditionally.

Meet Barney

Demelza can’t imagine her life without Barney, her adorable dog who goes everywhere with her

Barney is my best friend and brings me joy every single day. I love our daily walks, and since having children, they’ve become even more valuable. Not only does it get us all out enjoying the fresh air, but walking Barney helps me to escape from everything and simply be in the moment.

I always enjoy watching him when he goes swimming (he snorts like a pig while paddling), and when he’s hunting for sticks it’s as though he’s having the time of his life.

As though he’s having the time of his life

After each swim, I put Barney in the car, so he warms up, and I dry his ears. He goes into a happy trance, then it’s a treat and home. He’s such a loyal companion and always joins my son and I for nap time – they even sleep side by side!

Barney was my best dog at my wedding, and I take him everywhere he’s allowed, including shops and restaurants. I honestly can’t imagine life without Barney, he is always here for me, and his daily antics never fail to make me laugh.

Meet Albert

Albert the St Bernard puppy is such a huge part of Beth’s life that he’s even going to play a role in her wedding.

I lost my dog a few years ago and decided that I was going to wait until my circumstances had changed to get another. I then met my amazing partner and we decided to look for a puppy.

After a lot of discussion, we decided on a St Bernard. We found a wonderful lady in England who had just had a litter and we contacted her and that was it, Albert was booked. He brings us all more joy and happiness then we could imagine and we could not love him more.

Albert makes us laugh every day and brings us together as a family. He will also walk down the aisle with me at our wedding next year. We just can’t wait!

We could not love him more

Meet Vali

Everyone needs someone to remind them that life is full of little joys, and that’s exactly what Vali does for Julia.

My boy has had a hugely positive influence in my life. I’d already owned two dogs before I got him last November. I sadly lost one in January and getting Vali helped me to deal with my grief.

A hugely positive influence in my life

During these recent tough months, he’s been my reason to go out each day. I love photography and he’s inspired me to get back out into the world and pursue my passion, since he enjoys coming with me.

Vali is an amazing dog – he is very sweet-natured and a bit of a clown, so he keeps me smiling and laughing each day.

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