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British Dogs

Meet Monkey

When Monkey isn’t competing in shows with Diana, he’s spreading cheer to those who need it most

Named after his love for climbing trees, Monkey enriches my life as well as the lives of many others.

The change he makes to my life is remarkable

We volunteer with Therapy Dogs Nationwide where he brings joy to people in a dementia home, school and prison – all of which are places where the comfort of a dog can brighten difficult days.

The change he makes to my own life is remarkable, too. He loves agility, so we compete in shows. I’m a pensioner but it provides me with a great social life as well as a reason to stay fit and active!

Meet Kadiki

When Christie was reunited with her dog Kadiki, she was overfilled with joy

My miniature Pinscher flew to London from Zimbabwe last month, but before then, I hadn’t seen her for a year. Her name, Kadiki, means small in the Shona language of Zimbabwe. She may be tiny, but with her huge personality and diva attitude, she never gets a hard time from any of the bigger dogs

I hadn’t seen her in a year

Kadiki has overcome so much, and I’m so proud of the kind and loving soul she istoday. She is my whole world, and I’m so happy to have her back!

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Meet Fergus

Lorna just couldn’t be without her furry best friend, Fergus

Fergus has been an absolute blessing during the last year. I’ve had to shield, and he’s been by my side the whole way through.

We’ve passed away the days away together, and he’s been a great help to me in the garden. Fergus loves nothing more than to dig holes, although I often catch him digging in places he really shouldn’t!

He’s been by my side the whole way through

He’s such a loving and friendly dog, and with him to look after, I have a reason to get up early in the morning – although usually, it’s because he’s jumping on my head in an attempt to tell me he’s ready for his breakfast.

Fergus, along with his big brother Henry, have their own social media page and have kept hundreds of followers entertained with their antics during lockdown. I would be lost without my constant companion.

Meet Blaze

Blaze the bulldog was exactly what Chloe and her family needed after the loss of their previous dog

Blaze is a one-year-old Olde Tyme English bulldog. He’s such a funny character and brings joy to the entire family. When we first got him, he couldn't walk and had no use of his back legs so, once he had the all-clear from the vets that it wasn't neurological, we had to teach him to walk.

Despite still having weakness in his legs, Blaze bombs around the house, constantly getting into mischief. He loves to steal socks and shoes, or anything he's not meant to have and hide behind the couch with it. He’s also friendly with our elderly hamster.

He bombs around the house, constantly getting into mischief

Blaze comes everywhere with us, and we’ve recently come back from Crail, Scotland where he was a fan favourite. He comes swimming with us down the beach, and even has doggy swimming lessons.

After we lost our old dog, Bruno, at the age of 13, our lives felt empty without a dog and the house felt quiet. We were all mourning the loss of our best friend. Blaze has definitely filled a hole in our hearts – and our beds. He loves to have a good snooze!

Meet Jessie

Jessie the cockapoo has brought endless laughs, cuddles and happy wiggles to Kirsty’s family

Jessie is our first dog and she really has changed our lives for the better. She’s a three-year-old cockapoo and she has a real ability to make us smile no matter what. She always greets us with enthusiasm and pure joy, and her energetic wiggles and happy spins are always bound to make us beam!

She makes us smile no matter what

She loves adventure and exploring, and she has a real zest for life. She’s been such a positive influence, getting us out and about in the great outdoors. We love nothing more than a walk in the woods with Jessie. She has been described as ‘a cocker spaniel in cockapoo clothing’ so her nose is often on the ground, following the trail of something exciting.

But above all, the best thing about Jessie is her cuddles. I’ve never known such a cuddly dog and she loves to be as close to you as possible – personal space isn’t a thing to Jessie! But we don’t mind because we know her time here won’t be forever, so we will happily embrace all the cuddles, wiggles, spins, happiness and love every day.

Meet Bear

Bear has taught his owner Trupti how to appreciate life’s simple pleasures

Bear was adopted in 2020 and became my ray of hope during the pandemic.

He’s my inspiration

He’s my inspiration for finding joy in the little things in life, too. For example, he loves rolling in freshly cut grass, jumping in puddles, running into the waves, soaking up the sun, digging holes and burying his favourite toys before forgetting about them.

He’s given me new meaning to the phrase ‘there’s nothing like the present’.

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