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British Dogs

Meet Millie

Millie is everything to Sharon – she gets her out the house, helps her feel safe and steals her socks for good measure

Millie has a very important job to do, which is making me go out on a walk every day. It doesn't matter if it’s raining and cold, or if I'm tired and in pain, Millie needs her walk, and it never fails to make me feel better. Her inbuilt home security system has also enabled me to feel safe and secure in my own home – she may be small, but her bark is mighty!

Welcoming Millie into my life has been the best decision I've ever made

Millie is the ultimate companion dog. She’s affectionate, loves snuggles and enjoys human company. Playing with her and teaching her new tricks keeps us both entertained. I am constantly amazed at how clever she is, and her intelligence means I am always learning new things about dog training.

Millie is also the best stealth sock and loo roll thief in the South West, so there’s never a dull moment with her around. Welcoming Millie into my life has been the best decision I've ever made.

Meet Emily

Emily overcame a traumatic start in life to find the perfect home with Abby and her husband

Emily is a very affectionate little soul, which is quite remarkable considering how she started life. She was found left for dead in the middle of nowhere and was malnourished to a tiny 10kg. With thanks to the RSPCA, she got to a proper weight for a lurcher and now she gets spoilt rotten at home!

Her faith in humanity, after everything she has been through, gives me hope

Her faith in humanity, after everything she has been through, gives me hope. I'll never get tired of her pretty little face or her chaotic whippet-sized zoomies around the garden. She's helped me make human friends and made my husband and I more active. Not to mention, she convinced us to rescue another mistreated lurcher!

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Meet Harvey

Zoe’s adorable furry friend Harvey is such a happy-go-lucky lad that even losing his tail didn’t stop him

Harvey came into the family as a brother to Diesel (they both have same parents) and as a wedding present. He soon found his place in the home. The ability to fit under the sofa and charge out at your slippers if he had chance kept us on our toes!

A real Jack the lad character

Unfortunately, he was so happy when we came home that the hallway began looking like a crime scene as his wagging tail split, so it was amputated for his welfare. Nowadays it’s all about playing hide and seek, a routine we have to do when we get up and before bed. He will wait patiently before pouncing round and trying to sniff the toy out when hidden. A real Jack the lad character and whirlwind member of our family.

Meet Bear

From the moment Lisa met Bear, she knew he was supposed to be a part of her life

When we got Bear, I was in a tough place. I was unemployed and coming out of a long period of depression, but he brought joy into my life. He gave me a reason to get up in the morning and structure to my day. His eagerness to learn and his excitement at doing new things is just brilliant.

It was love at first sight

When you see him in the morning or after coming home, he'll grab his favourite toy to show you and have a cuddle. The way he looks at me, it’s like he’s really trying to understand what I'm saying – it’s so adorable!

Bear may be my pet, but really, he’s my buddy and best friend.

Meet Alfie

Not only has Alfie been an important part of Emily’s life since she was nine, but he’s also been an ongoing source of support for her grandad

We got Alfie as a rescue puppy when he was eight weeks old and I was nine years old. He has grown up with us through all the big life moments. He is such a caring and insightful little man who is always aware of how everyone is feeling. If someone is sad or unwell, he will sneak over with his waggy tail to be cuddled.

Alfie has had a massive impact on my grandad's quality of life

Most importantly, Alfie has had a massive impact on my grandad's quality of life. Alfie stays with my grandparents for some of the week due to my mum's work schedule. My grandad, who is in his 90s, keeps active by taking Alfie for walks on the days that they’re together.

They have such a lovely bond. My grandad even has a framed photograph of Alfie next to his bed, but none of the rest of the family! When they are together, Alfie follows him around everywhere until my grandad sits in his chair. Then Alfie will snuggle in between him and the arm of the chair and lay his paw on my grandad's knee while they both have a snooze.

Meet Vega

Debs couldn’t be without her loyal dog Vega, who does everything she can to make her owner’s life easier

Vega is my trainee Disability Assistance Dog. Lockdown has put a stop to training sessions and temporarily prevented her from becoming fully qualified, but in our home, she’s become our very own saviour.

On my bad days she stays close by my side so she can help me out. She picks up things I drop, fetches numerous ‘named’ items on request such as shoes and medication and even takes off my socks, jumpers, trousers when asked. She also does a lot to help around the house, like fetching the phone when it rings and tidying up after my two other dogs.

She’s become our very own saviour

When I’m in a lot of pain, Vega lies across my legs to comfort me. Of course, I’m not the only one she helps – my older dog, Skye, has early dementia, and when she’s having a bad day, Vega will lie with her and help to calm her down. She even knows to pick up the dog bowls after dinner time and take them to the sink!

The greatest gift Vega gives me is her company. She is always close by and I know I can rely on her when I need help. This year, we’ve both learnt to understand each other, which has really strengthened our bond. She teaches me just as much as I teach her.

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