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British Dogs

Meet Millie

Millie’s confidence has grown considerably since Dawn rescued her, and now she’s even supporting the newest addition to the family – another rescue dog called Basil

We rescued Millie from Bosnia in June 2020. She was a poor frightened girl who had never been in a house or had any love, and she was destined for the kill shelter.

We had to house train her, give her space, build up her trust with us and teach her to walk with a harness. After six months and lots of memorable moments, she finally blossomed into the most loving, loyal and happy dog.

She brings joy to our lives every day. We walk on the beach and go to nature reserves, coffee shops and cafés. Everyone knows her and she even has her own Facebook page with her brother Basil, who we adopted from Budapest six months after Millie.

She dug up a WWII bomb in our garden

Millie has been Basil’s mentor. He had been badly abused and she has taught him to play and trust other dogs and humans. She puts her paw on his head when he’s anxious and wraps her front legs around him when he’s scared.

Since coming into our lives, Millie has gone swimming in our pond with the fish (who were not impressed). She has dug up a WWII bomb in our garden which resulted in the bomb disposal unit being called out. She has caught a blackbird in her mouth without hurting it, and now they are best of friends. She has rearranged the garden, dug up plants, buried our shoes and climbed the trees to steal bird food.

When we go on holidays together, Millie and Basil come with us, even when we are playing in our band. Our world is a much better place with them in it.

Meet Wulfwynn

From her clumsy nature to her friendship with the family kitten, Wulfwynn has brought endless joy, love and laughter to Em’s life

Wulfwynn enhances the lives of myself, my husband and our young son with her affection and antics. As an Irish Wolfhound, she is completely unaware of her size, and clumsiness is definitely the order of the day. She trips over her own legs, bumps into things, and insists on trying to sit on our laps, despite being far taller than I am on her hind legs, let alone our son!

She can be a bit of a mess too, always emerging from the woods covered in leaves and twigs! However, all this awkwardness disappears when she reaches the ferns on the edge of the woods during our daily walks. Then, she flies like a bird, leaping and bounding through the undergrowth – a thing of beauty and elegance.

She insists on trying to sit on our laps, despite being far taller than I am on her hind legs

She is particularly funny with our Bengal kitten. They are definitely partners in crime. Montmorency the kitten knocks things off the piano so that Wulfwynn can chew them! They chase each other round the garden, play-fight (Montmorency giving as good as he gets), and then curl up together.

One morning, when Montmorency was still a tiny kitten, and Wulfwynn was already coming into her full size, we came down to find that we had accidentally shut both animals in the kitchen together overnight. Wulfwynn was lying on the hard floor, looking aggrieved, while the kitten was sprawled luxuriously on the huge dog bed, looking smug with satisfaction! Such joy, such love, and so many laughs!


Meet Jessie

Jessie the cockapoo has brought endless laughs, cuddles and happy wiggles to Kirsty’s family

Jessie is our first dog and she really has changed our lives for the better. She’s a three-year-old cockapoo and she has a real ability to make us smile no matter what. She always greets us with enthusiasm and pure joy, and her energetic wiggles and happy spins are always bound to make us beam!

She makes us smile no matter what

She loves adventure and exploring, and she has a real zest for life. She’s been such a positive influence, getting us out and about in the great outdoors. We love nothing more than a walk in the woods with Jessie. She has been described as ‘a cocker spaniel in cockapoo clothing’ so her nose is often on the ground, following the trail of something exciting.

But above all, the best thing about Jessie is her cuddles. I’ve never known such a cuddly dog and she loves to be as close to you as possible – personal space isn’t a thing to Jessie! But we don’t mind because we know her time here won’t be forever, so we will happily embrace all the cuddles, wiggles, spins, happiness and love every day.

Meet Lily

After losing one of their dogs a few years ago, Sally and her family have been treasuring every moment with Lily

Lily is the most loyal, faithful Labrador. We’ve had her since she was a pup, along with our Labradoodle Ozzy, who we lost to cancer in April 2020. Lily adored Ozzy and we were afraid she would pine. But thankfully her personality has shone through. She’s very greedy and has emptied bins and hoovered up the flour that we put out to discourage ants.

I can’t bear to think what life would be like without her

She’s struggled with walking long distances lately, so we bought her a large dog buggy for longer trips. She wasn’t keen at first, but now she loves it and prefers riding to walking. She sits just like a princess, enjoying the journeys. She’s never slept on the sofa before, but ever since we’ve had our son and his dog staying with us, she enjoys jumping on the sofa each night after we've gone to bed.

She was also named after the Queen (Lilibet), as she was due to be born on the Queen's birthday. I can’t bear to think what life would be like without our truly adorable Lily, who everyone loves. And she loves them too, especially if they have a treat in their pocket.

Meet Sky

Having finally recovered from her traumatic start in life, Sky is living happily ever after as part of Sue’s family

Sky came to us in June 2021. She was rescued from a shelter in Romania. As a tiny puppy, she had suffered a burn to her side and a broken back, so she was paralysed when she was found in a kill shelter. Sky was rescued by a lovely lady who ran a private shelter. She nursed her and cared for her, and gradually her mobility began to improve. We knew Sky was going to be a cheeky girl as she was housed with a litter of very young puppies in the shelter, and despite her problems, she decided she preferred their bed to her own. So, she pushed them out and moved herself in!

Sky arrived with her brother, Albert, after a two-day journey by land, and they were both incredibly frightened and anxious. But she’s developed good mobility over the last year and her confidence has improved alongside her health. Her zoomies are wonderful and so energetic, considering how she was when she first came home. She is bigger than Albert and will push him over if he has something she wants! She also takes over his bed and will eat his breakfast if she gets the chance. But Albert doesn't mind, and we make sure he doesn't miss out.

We take life at her pace

Sky loves lamb spaghetti and real meat treats best of all. She’s a very quick learner, and she knows how to catch a treat or tap with her foot. If she gets hold of a squeaky toy, she will squeak it a couple of times by jumping on it with her front feet and then howl like a wolf! She also loves hugs and sitting next to us.

We take life at Sky's pace, slowly enough to keep her safe and secure. With some brilliant expert help, she’s adapted to life with us and is a wonderful, sweet, sensitive addition to our family. We can't imagine life without Sky and Albert.

Meet Oreo

Both Jo and her daughter feel eternally grateful for the happiness Oreo has brought into their lives

Oreo is an absolute pleasure to share our lives with. She recently lost her best friend Willow, a Bernese Mountain Dog, and it has taken her a good six months to get back to being her usual happy self.

Love certainly is a wet nose, slobbery kisses and a wagging tail

She’s my daughter’s best friend and they are inseparable. The bond between them is beautiful and we struggle to imagine what life will be like without her. We know that as a giant breed she’s now an old lady, but the joy she brings us all is beyond words.

We feel truly honoured to have Oreo in our lives and we treasure every day we spend with her. Love certainly is a wet nose, slobbery kisses and a wagging tail.


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