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British Dogs

Meet Lulu

Despite Lulu’s barking, shedding and laziness, Rob and his family couldn’t imagine life without her

This is Lulu. We got her from a rescue centre a few years ago after she'd clearly had quite a rough time with a breeder who'd definitely over-bred her. She just looked so sad when we saw her, and the kids fell in love with her on the first meeting.

She thinks she's a lot smaller than she is

We'd vowed to get a small to medium-sized dog, and she is NOT that! She's lazy as hell, she sheds everywhere, she barks too much for no reason, she has the most evil farts and she’s now a bit incontinent, but we love her to bits.

We even love it when she climbs up on the sofa between us, when there clearly isn't enough room for her. She thinks she's a lot smaller than she is, bless her!

Meet Finley

Eve always knew Finley was cheeky, but she didn’t realise how cheeky until she found out what he’d been getting up to every time she went to work

Finley is as sweet as a dog could get. We have had such an amazing bond since the day he was born. He is so loyal, cheeky and playful – I really don’t know what I would do without him.

I live at home with my family and we have always had a strict ‘no dogs upstairs’ rule in place, but recently that has become a little lax. Finley loves nothing more than being upstairs and sleeping on the end of my bed. Though I have to say, the 6am wake up calls from him laying on my chest and wagging his tail so hard he could almost take off aren’t always appreciated!

He was taking underwear out of my washing basket and stashing it underneath the sofa

I work alternating day and night shifts, so whenever I’m not there Finley would look around my room for me and have a general sniff around. Or at least that’s what I thought he was doing.

It turns out every time I wasn’t there, Finley was taking a set of underwear out of my washing basket and stashing it underneath the sofa. One night I came home earlier than expected, and when I walked upstairs there was Finley with the guiltiest look on his face and a pair of knickers in his mouth.

I asked for them back and he just RAN. At 3am, this is the last thing I wanted to do, but there I was chasing Finley round the house whilst trying to be as quiet as possible. He was in his element. And it’s safe to say, I now put the lid on my washing basket!

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Meet Lacie

Vivienne and Lacie share a close bond and an optimistic outlook on life

Lacie is our beautiful Blenheim Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. She’s such a gentlesoul who brings my family and I so much joy. She was born with hip dysplasia and has undergone several knee operations to correct this. It can’t have been easy but she soldiers on, with her beautiful smile and waggy tail.

She’s my sunshine dog

As I suffer from an ankle disability, it feels like Lacie and I were meant to be. We both take life in our stride and at our own pace. She’s my sunshine dog, and everyone who meets her instantly falls in love. Lacie is truly one of a kind.

Meet Mac

Deb’s dog Mac may look like an old man, but he’s got the spirit of a young pup

Mac is my confidant. I have health issues and have had to retire because of them, but Mac keeps me going, even on my darkest days. It’s almost as though he can sense when things are really bad, because he’ll always give me lots of cuddles to cheer me up.

Mac keeps me going

Balls are his favourite toy, so he has a rather large collection. He also has a few quirky habits, like how he hates walking on the tiled floor and will refuse to come in unless I put his bed down for him, or how much he barks at the postman. Mac always waits until you’ve finished your food before he eats his, just in case you give him any extras!

As he’s getting old, he has a few health issues now, but as soon as you throw a ball, he turns into a young pup again. He does look like an old man with his bushy eyebrows and podgy tummy, but that just makes him all the more adorable.

Meet Vienna

Rose and Vienna have had so many adventures together, and they can’t wait for what the future holds

I had wanted a Collie for a long time, and when Vienna came into my life everything fell into place. We started attending puppy classes, which she loved, so we moved onto bigger things such as ring craft, which trained her up to become a show dog.

We’ve had an amazing time travelling around the country, meeting so many wonderful people and dogs along the way. I’d never experienced anything like it before, and neither had Vienna, so I’m really glad we got to do it together.

We had an amazing time travelling around the country

Our favourite pastime is to go on walks. Vienna has taken me to some incredible places, and our hikes just get longer and better the more we branch out. No matter what the weather is, she’ll be there with a smile. I don’t know where I’d be without her.

Meet Basil

With Mary’s help, Basil has gone from a scared rescue pup to a happily settled pooch who’s full of mischief

I had been thinking about fostering a dog for some time and thought that a rescue was the way to go, as the rescue centres were absolutely full to the hilt with dogs in need of loving homes. At the time, l was suffering from depression and thought looking after a dog would be a motivation to get up in the mornings.

I saw on social media that there was a puppy in Bosnia that a rescue centre was looking to bring to the UK, and l made an application to foster him. I was successful and Basil came into my life on 24 March 2022, aged just eight months old.

I've never regretted adopting him, even if none of my slippers, socks and shoes are safe!

At first, it was difficult – he was scared of every household appliance, he didn't want to be indoors (day or night), he would not sleep at all, and he didn't know how to play. However, after a couple of weeks, he settled down and his friendly, cheeky, mischievous and inquisitive side began to shine through.

After fostering Basil for a month, l decided to adopt him – how could I ever let this beautiful soul go? I've never regretted my decision, even if none of my slippers, socks and shoes are safe from him! He is addicted to tummy tickles and loves to boop me on the nose to tell me he loves me.

Poor Basil has just had a double operation, so he is slowly recovering and getting lots of rest, TLC and treats (it is costing me a fortune in chicken). We are planning lots of long walks and maybe a trip to the seaside when he is well enough to travel. There are so many adventures to look forward to, and we will no doubt enjoy them together.

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