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British Dogs

Meet Kenny

Over the years, Kenny has helped his owner Prudence through some of the most challenging times

Kenny is a joy. I got him as a puppy when I was 19 years old, and he has been a constant companion and support in my life ever since.

He’s brought me through so much

When I was 27, I lost my mum very suddenly and Kenny became my reason for carrying on. He’s brought me through so much and has always been full of character.

He was very unwell last year when I was heavily pregnant, and I was scared I was going to lose him, but thankfully, he pulled through and although he’s now very old, he’s still full of life! My baby might never remember him, but I’m so glad they’ve been able to meet one another.

Meet Holly

Rescue pup Holly has come a long way since meeting owner Jill – and the best is yet to come

We were devastated by the loss of our previous dog last December, but in February we spotted Holly on a RSPCA website.

At seven months old she had never lived in a home and was very nervous. She was challenging at first, but very loving.

Holly has won over plenty of new friends

Holly has changed our lives, giving us a reason to get up in the morning and exercise regularly.

She’s energetic and fun-loving, but still a little shy when it comes to meeting new people and is occasionally spooked by new experiences.

Holly has won over plenty of new friends in the village, as they’ve witnessed her grow from a timid pup to a lovely, confident dog. We are looking forward to sharing many happy years with her!

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Meet Molly and Poppy

Molly and Poppy are happy helpers for school chaplain Alison, and the pupils love them too

I have two border collie dogs: Poppy (who is 11years old) and Molly (8 months). Molly was a lockdown rescue pup when her owners bought her then decided not to have her! I am a Chaplain in a school and take both dogs in with me every day.

Poppy and Molly deserve a treat!

They are great pastoral assistants! Poppy is a big teddy bear who loves to be hugged, Molly is a mischief and allows some of our ‘naughtier’ children to relate to her! We’ve worked all the way through the lockdown and Poppy and Molly deserve a treat!

Meet Sully

Sully is the most loyal of dogs and likes to accompany Paul everywhere – he won’t even eat a biscuit without him!

Deep down Sully is a big softie at heart, very loyal to my wife and I. He gets nervous when out and likes to cuddle his teddy – in fact, he is so attached to it that he’s been known to carry it around with him on his walks!

He loves to go fishing with me

We do walk together a lot, but he loves to go fishing with me. He goes mad when I catch a fish, watching my line until I bring it in. He sits there for hours with me. We also go to watch my daughter play football, and he’ll sit on my lap while the game is going on.

If my wife gives him a biscuit in the morning before going out, he won’t eat it until he has shown it to me when I come home in the afternoon. All it takes for us is to say to him ‘where’s the cat?’ and he’ll go up the garden barking like mad, even though there is no cat!

Meet Pepsi

Jacqui’s life was turned upside down when her husband was diagnosed with COVID-19. But thankfully Pepsi has been there every step of the way.

Pepsi is a 9-month-old female border collie. We knew that she was a great dog, but she really proved that when Walt, my ambulance technician partner, got COVID-19. I'm a community nurse so I looked after him at home for four days. Pepsi sat on the decking below his bedroom window listening to him cough. He was so ill that he was unable to move. She couldn't understand what was happening.

After four days, he really deteriorated and was admitted to a hospital 80 miles away. I was lost. I didn't know if I'd ever see him again alive. I didn't want to get up – the days were too long and scary. However, I knew Pepsi needed me so we sat in the garden and played ball. If I cried after seeing Walt on a videocall she would jump up and cuddle me.

Life is on the up again

Walt began to give up the fight in the hospital. He hated being away from us and he was so ill with the constant cough and fatigue. We sent videos of the dog and encouraged him to stay strong so he could come home to his ‘therapet’ (we always called her that). When he was finally discharged, she rarely left his side and I know he needed her every bit as much as he needed me to nurse him.

Now, Pepsi is his reason to fight the fatigue and get out. She has recently learned to swim, so we go places where Walt can just sit and watch her play.

I know every dog is their owner’s best friend but Pepsi is an ace dog who has really earned her ‘therapet’ nickname. We love her. She loves us. Life is on the up again.

Meet Wolfgang

Ever since settling in with owner Kerri, Wolfgang hasn’t let blindness stop him living life to the fullest

Wolfgang came to us as he was born blind with no eyes. When we first got him, he was very timid – wouldn’t walk, eat or play. But by the second day he was running and playing like a normal puppy.

He doesn’t let his disability stop him in any way

He doesn’t let his disability stop him in any way and likes to play with his toys and our other two dogs. He’s come on great in the five weeks we’ve had him, going from 0.9kg to nearly 2kg! He is looking forward to experiencing his first Christmas and getting to play with all the wrapping paper.

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