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British Dogs

Meet Dolly

Dolly has come a long way to find her forever home with owner, Caroline

Dolly is a rescue dog from Merlin's Haven Rescue in Cyprus. I got her in 2020, at a time when my mental health wasn’t great, as my boyfriend had suddenly passed away.

His dad gave me some money from his pension, and since he was a lover of dogs and always tried to help the homeless, rescuing a stray dog seemed like a good way of spending it.

She’s such a lovely dog

When Dolly first arrived, she was very timid and nervous after giving birth to two litters of puppies. It took a long time for her to settle in, but she’s such a lovely dog and has given me a reason to get up in the mornings.

I spend most Saturdays on long country walks with her and my friend (sometimes my teenage daughter, too – if she's out of bed!). Dolly is now a Velcro dog, and very rarely lets me out of her sight. She’s very relaxed for most of the day, but loves walkies and squirrel chasing!

Meet Kes

Zoe’s dog Kes makes the world a happier place with his assistance skills and infectious happiness

Kes is my little hearing dog-in-training. I got him just eight days after I sent off my last trainee as a fully qualified assistance dog, and boy did he arrive with a bang! He’s a gorgeous chocolate Cocker with big, innocent eyes, but don’t let that fool you – really, he’s a crazy bundle of energy who keeps me on my toes every day.

He’s also a notorious sock thief

From the minute he wakes me up to the moment he goes to bed he’s causing mischief. He’s also a notorious sock thief. Kes will take them off the airer, radiator or even out of the washing machine as I unload it! He also adores being in the water, whether that means swimming, river splashing, jumping in muddy puddles or even just dipping his nose in his water bowl.

Kes is the friendliest dog alive. When you come downstairs or through the front door, he greets you like you’ve been gone forever. It’s adorable, the way he starts wiggling and wagging his tail with excitement. His love for life is contagious. I’ve never met a happier, crazier dog and I think the world of him. I just wish I could bottle up his energy and drink some!

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Meet Pablo

Yvonne can’t believe how much Pablo has transformed her daughter’s life

My five-year-old daughter, Macy, is registered as Severely Sight Impaired (blind).She has a life-limiting genetic condition called Alstrom Syndrome and has been matched with Pablo by the Guide Dogs charity.

Pablo has helped improve Macy’s confidence

He is her Buddy Dog and has improved her life immeasurably. Buddy Dogs are pups that have been bred by Guide Dogs but couldn’t continue on the training programme. They are then given the opportunity to help a visually impaired child.

Pablo has helped improve Macy’s confidence, given her more independence, and provides her with the constant companionship she needs. They’re totally inseparable, and with him by her side, she can be more active and playful.

Meet Juno

When Laura’s spirits needed lifting, her dog Juno showered her with love and affection

I recently had surgery and was diagnosed with cancer. My Leonberger, Juno, has been an absolute life saver. After being released from hospital, she instinctively understood that she couldn’t jump up on me or paw me in the stomach – she was so gentle and careful.

She made me smile with her sweet, goofy face

When I was at my lowest, she made me smile with her sweet, goofy face or had me laughing as she played tirelessly with her favourite squeaky ball. She really is an incredible girl, and everyone who meets her falls in love.

Her favourite activities are bog snorkelling and visiting the local farmer’s market, where the stallholders always spoil her with treats and attention. I’m truly blessed to have this special girl in my life.

Meet Mildred

Sophie was told Mildred would never be affectionate, but she’s gone on to defy everyone’s expectations

We got our Mildred from a Rescue home in Chobam around 11 years ago. She didn't have the best start to life, as she was mistreated quite badly as a puppy. We were told by the trainer that she would never be able to give us cuddles or love, as her upbringing had made it hard for her to trust humans.

We decided to give Millie a chance, as we knew we could give her the love she deserved. The first year or two was difficult, as we tried to train her and gain her trust. But we pulled through, and now she’s the most loving, loyal and caring dog.

She’s the most loving, loyal and caring dog

She truly is part of the family, and she’s even become a part-time therapy dog to us. She knows when anyone is feeling down or upset and will cuddle right up to us. She has these eyes that look right into you. But we have to make sure we have a little treat for her after – especially cheese!

For a dog that was never expected to show love, it’s extremely hard to get her out of our beds! She truly is the best. It just goes to show, if you give dogs a chance and offer them the love they deserve, they’ll be forever grateful.

Meet Rio

Rio the rescue dog is Lesley’s best friend – and now the support he offers her has been extended to struggling schoolchildren through the Pets as Therapy charity

Rio is a rescue dog who was found as a stray in Wales around eight years ago. He got taken to a high-kill shelter where he would have been put down after 14 days if no one claimed him. Luckily, a worker at the shelter contacted a rescue centre who took him in.

I rehomed Rio after seeing his beautiful picture on the rescue centre’s web page. When I met him for the first time, he lay down at my feet and looked up at me with these big brown eyes and I decided then and there he was the dog for me. Rio had obviously been abused in the past as he would cower at the sight of boots and sticks, and would even be frightened of pats on his head. With patience and love, he is now no longer living in fear and enjoys a life of luxury!

Rio is the gentlest, goofiest soul there is

Rio is the gentlest, goofiest soul there is. He very quickly became my best friend and has greatly supported my mental and physical health over the past eight years. Throughout the pandemic, he kept me company and never failed to cheer me up even when things got really tough.

Around six years ago, I came across the Pets as Therapy charity and I decided to see if Rio would be a suitable candidate to become a PAT dog. He passed the assessment with flying colours and he now accompanies me to school once a week where he supports children with literacy difficulties and those who are struggling with their mental health. Crucially, his visits have also taught children how to treat animals with respect, how to care for them and he has even helped five pupils overcome their fear of dogs.

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