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British Dogs

Meet Daisy Mae

Rosemary took Daisy Mae in when she was left without an owner, and in return she’s helped her heal from the loss of her previous dog

Daisy Mae lost her owner a few months ago. He had dementia, so she’s now overweight due to overfeeding and lack of exercise. Her owner’s son found me through a rescue centre, and she came straight to me.

She's a failed foster, as I'm adopting her!

She's been through a lot, but she has a lovely temperament and is ever so good. She's my fourth dog, as my last furbaby died nearly two years ago from serious heart disease, which left me heartbroken. But Daisy Mae has mended my heart and brought me such joy.

She's a great companion, and she’s a Staffy, so she’s full of happy wags and lots of kisses and smiles. I live on my own, so she also helps with any feelings of loneliness. And now, she's a failed foster, as I'm adopting her!

Meet Coco

Coco proved the perfect addition to Joanne’s family, especially for her son James

Coco was bought for my son James. James was an only child and Coco soon became his best friend. James looked after Coco and walked her everyday (I know kids always say they will then lose interest but James never did).

James really came out of his shell since getting Coco and became more confident. James started joining after school clubs and joined the Sea Cadets, and when he left school he joined the Royal Navy and is a serving sailor who has just been deployed for his first Christmas away.

Coco’s tail never stops wagging

Coco misses him very much when he goes, and needs lots of TLC. When James is home on leave they still share that special bond and Coco’s tail never stops wagging. Coco gave James the confidence to start to do things; he realised that he could take care of a dog and therefore he could do things he would never have tried.

For all Coco loves rolling in smelly things, barks at the wind and farts a lot, she is a big part of our family and helped to shape my sons teenage and early adult years.

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Meet Cooper

For Hollie, Cooper is a happy reminder of the two years she spent travelling around Canada

Cooper is everything to us. He came into our lives when we were travelling in Canada and got stuck in a small prairie town during Covid. The lady who ran the local dump (it was so remote there was no bin service!) used to have at least 15 dogs, three cats and a horse. They would run around her farm property and none of them were neutered. So, naturally, when she offered us this little golden mutt (a Chihuahua Jack Russell type), we just said we’d make it work.

A few months later, our immigration fell through, and we had to leave the country. We were devastated. It was something we’d worked towards for so long and leaving was so hard. When we came back, Cooper was immediately our source of comfort and familiarity during a time of culture shock and grieving.

He came from such a specific part of our journey and now he is always with us to symbolise that. He helps us through sad times and knows exactly what to do to cheer us up. He’s the happiest dog of all time (people say it regularly!), so having him around is a blessing.

He has quite a strong set of adorable quirks too. He was born with a natural mohawk that never went away, which is always a great conversation starter with other dog owners. He also has the longest and loudest yawns known to man. For a tiny pup, he’s so full of life!

He’s the happiest dog of all time

Meet Waffle

Since joining the family in 2021, Waffle has kept Julie and her husband busy with her escape acts

Waffle unexpectedly bounded into our lives after meeting her with Foxhound Welfare UK at Dogs Unleashed last September 2021. She has boundless energy and loves taking part in Canicross runs and hikes. She loves to sing in the evening and always likes a snuggle.

She keeps us on our toes all the time

She is an escape artist so keeps us on our toes all the time. She even took herself for an unscheduled run on Christmas morning, followed by my husband wearing his slippers. She's certainly made herself feel at home and we couldn't imagine life without her now (even when she does empty the kitchen bins).

Meet Monty

Tracy’s adorable dog Monty might have a bit of attitude, but that doesn’t stop him from being gentle and caring, winning over everyone’s heart.

We got Monty just before lockdown this year, after years of talking about having a dog. He was seven months old and a bit of a teenager, but he has changed and enhanced our lives for the better.

He is the sweetest, gentlest dog who has what I firmly believe is a genuine sense of humour. He can tell when I am getting stressed while working from home and will hide his toys under a table or chair and invite me down onto the floor to retrieve them for him. Once I’m there, he’ll happily chew my hair and lick my ears and squirm around to show how pleased he is. I give him back his toy, with a big cuddle and go back to work. Five minutes later the toy is miraculously back in an inaccessible place.

He has even won over our two cats

He has the biggest, best doggy smile (like most Golden Retrievers) and his general exuberance and love for life is infectious. He has even won over our two cats – who were less than impressed that I had brought a big, hairy stranger into their lives!

We recently had a garden redo and the builder made it clear he didn’t like dogs, so we cordoned off the bit of the garden that he was working in. Monty sat politely in a garden chair watching everything and accepting an occasional pat. By the end of the three weeks, the builder was greeting him enthusiastically and stopping by for a proper pet. They are now firm friends – even when Monty was accidentally let into the wrong part of the garden and ended up belly-deep in the freshly poured concrete footings for the wall!

Monty is the heart and soul of my life.

Meet Bourneville

Tihany’s four-legged companion and best friend, Bourneville, is always around to make her smile

Bourneville is the best thing to ever happen to me. Every morning when I’m baking, he sits patiently waiting for a crumb to fall or for me to give him my leftover ingredients. He’s so funny and very clumsy, and he’s always tripping over his own paws.

He’s so funny and very clumsy

He considers every dog he meets his friend, no matter who they are. Not only is Bourneville the most affectionate dog there is, but he’s also stunning, thanks to his beautiful brown fur. We named him after chocolateof the same colour!

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