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British Dogs

Meet Charlie

From morning ‘til night, Charlie brings nothing but joy to every moment of Elizabeth’s day

Charlie is the happiest little Jack Russell, who just loves life. He wakes up at 6:30am every day without fail and spreads such fun from the moment he opens his eyes in the morning.

He likes to dictate the routine by barking, which is his way of telling me to get a jiggle on and eat breakfast so he can get ready for his morning stroll and then settle in for his day.

He spreads such fun from the moment he opens his eyes

He always greets me on my return from work with a huge wagging tail and a happy yap, ready for his next stroll and his evening meal. We then move onto ball playing before settling down for a nice cuddle and telly before bed.

We’re always exhausted and ready for a bedtime snuggle, and he’s a happy boy, all prepped and ready for the next day. Utter joy!

Meet Denzil

Paula didn’t give up on Denzil, and because of that he found the strength to survive. Now he’s helping other dogs do the same.

Denzil is a Morkie and we bought him from a registered kennel in Wales. His story is very special as he is the only dog to survive severe GME (Meningitis). He has had a research paper done on him by Liverpool University, veterinary hospital.

Problems started just after his first booster at our vets. We thought he was just having a reaction to his injections, then a few days after finishing his medication, he collapsed in our garden! We took him to our vet straight away and luckily one of the vets was from Germany and said that she thought it could be meningitis. They referred us to Liverpool university Wraith animal hospital.

His story is very special

What ensued was 18 months of IV treatment, 32 tablets a day and five 10-hour chemotherapy sessions. I researched the best foods to give him, and I also used aromatherapy massage to help ease the muscles in his spine and he started to respond. Finally, at nearly 3 years old he was given the all clear! Denzil now has his own Facebook page to raise awareness of this terrible disease and to encourage vets to refer immediately.

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Meet Kenny

Over the years, Kenny has helped his owner Prudence through some of the most challenging times

Kenny is a joy. I got him as a puppy when I was 19 years old, and he has been a constant companion and support in my life ever since.

He’s brought me through so much

When I was 27, I lost my mum very suddenly and Kenny became my reason for carrying on. He’s brought me through so much and has always been full of character.

He was very unwell last year when I was heavily pregnant, and I was scared I was going to lose him, but thankfully, he pulled through and although he’s now very old, he’s still full of life! My baby might never remember him, but I’m so glad they’ve been able to meet one another.

Meet Daisy

Daisy is Amii’s best friend, and she has helped to lift her out of a dark place and is always showing her how to enjoy the small things in life.

Daisy came into my life when I was really struggling. I had lost my dad a few years prior and had only just started grieving properly. Daisy acted as a support dog for me every single day, especially on days where I was heavily contemplating no long being around.

I trust her judgement

She gives me the motivation to get up in the mornings rather than just sleep through the day. Waking up to her, all excited to see me, reminds me that it isn’t all about me, as she needs me.

She’s been a very positive influence when it comes to meeting new people as well, as I feel she has a really good sense of character, and so I trust her judgement. She has been my best friend in the whole world for three years now, and I couldn’t be more grateful to my little girl for showing me that there is more to life.

Meet Sky

Having finally recovered from her traumatic start in life, Sky is living happily ever after as part of Sue’s family

Sky came to us in June 2021. She was rescued from a shelter in Romania. As a tiny puppy, she had suffered a burn to her side and a broken back, so she was paralysed when she was found in a kill shelter. Sky was rescued by a lovely lady who ran a private shelter. She nursed her and cared for her, and gradually her mobility began to improve. We knew Sky was going to be a cheeky girl as she was housed with a litter of very young puppies in the shelter, and despite her problems, she decided she preferred their bed to her own. So, she pushed them out and moved herself in!

Sky arrived with her brother, Albert, after a two-day journey by land, and they were both incredibly frightened and anxious. But she’s developed good mobility over the last year and her confidence has improved alongside her health. Her zoomies are wonderful and so energetic, considering how she was when she first came home. She is bigger than Albert and will push him over if he has something she wants! She also takes over his bed and will eat his breakfast if she gets the chance. But Albert doesn't mind, and we make sure he doesn't miss out.

We take life at her pace

Sky loves lamb spaghetti and real meat treats best of all. She’s a very quick learner, and she knows how to catch a treat or tap with her foot. If she gets hold of a squeaky toy, she will squeak it a couple of times by jumping on it with her front feet and then howl like a wolf! She also loves hugs and sitting next to us.

We take life at Sky's pace, slowly enough to keep her safe and secure. With some brilliant expert help, she’s adapted to life with us and is a wonderful, sweet, sensitive addition to our family. We can't imagine life without Sky and Albert.

Meet Bobby Dog

Sharon is grateful for the joy and good times that Bobby Dog has brought into her life, even if she’s not his favourite human!

Bobby Dog came to us from Romania back in 2016. He was nervous but trusting, and he soon settled into our mad house.

He is very caring and loves us all!

He is so loving and funny, and he’s brought a lot of laughter into our lives. He is very caring, and he loves us all, but he has a particularly special bond with his Man Cub, (my son) Harvey. The two of them are best buds!

Bobby Dog always comes on adventures with us and enjoys life to the full.

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