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British Dogs

Meet Ceridwen

Ceridwen has a few cheeky little quirks, but Michael and his partner love her unconditionally

Ceridwen is the goodest of girls with just a hint of naughty pickle. She will greet you at the door with a massive smile and boundless energy.

She has no respect for personal space

Her favourite pastime is zoomies on long walks, disappearing off into the long grass, and scaring her mummy when she decides to 'not hear' her recall whistle. At home in the evenings, she has no respect for personal space. She just wants snuggles before bed and will push her sister out of the way as required.

Ceridwen is a sensitive soul though, so she understands when you've had a bad day and will give boundless kisses until you smile – and then take her for more zoomies.

Meet Maximus

Maximus has made his owner Louise so proud, by helping to care for her poorly sister and offering everyone never-ending affection.

Maximus is a 7-year-old German Shepherd, a gentle giant with a heart of gold.

We are so proud of him!

Over the lockdown period we have had to care for my sister, who is currently receiving chemotherapy for bowel cancer. I can honestly say that Maximus has been like a magnet to her. On chemotherapy days he waits for her to return, and then doesn’t leave her side once she’s home. He has amazed us all and we are so proud of him!

He is a delightful boy, and is obviously very sensitive to how people are feeling. We love him dearly.

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Meet Norman

Carole adores her cheeky chappy Norman, even if he does have a habit of going walkabout.

As a pup, Norman was a bit of an escapologist. He managed to escape out of the house and run off round the corner. He got into a garden and went in through an open back door. He was discovered by the homeowner when he heard a noise, turned around and found Norman sitting watching tv with him and his family!

Norman was a bit of an escapologist

Another time, he managed to squeeze under our garden fence and make his way into our neighbour’s house… where he was eventually found in her upstairs bedroom.

Meet Finn

Rose doesn’t get away with much when Finn’s around, but that’s what makes him so adorable

My Border Collie Finn never fails to make me smile. He adores the TV and will watch any animal programme, but he especially loves adverts with animals in them. As soon as one comes on, he’ll grab one of his many toys and start prancing around in front of the screen, barking loudly.

Finn seems to have an internal clock

Finn seems to have an internal clock, and he always gets restless around his mealtimes. If you miss the mark, he’ll badger you until you feed him! He also knows when I usually go to bed and will often sit and stare at me when it’s around that time, as if he’s saying goodnight.

He’s so funny and makes us laugh every single day, like when he tries to avoid puddles on our walks by doing a little sidestep dance, or when he helps his dad out with the gardening by doing some digging.

Meet Bob

Sally was told Bob couldn’t survive his cancer, but now he’s seven years old and still thriving

Bob had to have one of his rear legs amputated at the age of three, following an osteosarcoma. He then underwent chemotherapy, and we were told that at best he would have 12-18 months. Bob didn’t hear that though. He is the most amazing dog with the most amazing zest for life.

He makes us laugh with his antics every day. On his daily walks with his mum, granny, great-uncle and nephew, he gambols like a lamb and throws himself down on the ground, rolling just for the fun of it.

He seems to know if we are down and will come and place his beautiful head on our laps, looking at us with his wonderful deep eyes. It’s as though he knows we helped him when he needed us and now, following my cancer diagnosis, he’s helping me, too.

He adores everyone he meets, and they adore him, often not noticing he only has three legs. He has been an inspiration to owners of other dogs with the same condition, some of whom have made it like him and others who haven’t. Life with Bob is a better life.

Life with Bob is a better life

Meet Lucas

Though Lucas finds the outside world pretty daunting, he’s always happy when he’s at home with Julie and her family

Lucas is my boy, my shadow and my fur baby, and he means the world to us. He came into our lives when he was 13 months old. We don't know an awful lot about his past, other than he had two previous homes before he found us.

At home, he’s adorable. He’s the funniest, most loving dog who greets us with a happy dance and a smile. When it comes to the outside world, he just doesn't understand it. He becomes anxious, scared and is obviously uncomfortable. We’ve done everything we can to help him through this, but after five years, we’ve decided to just follow his lead.

I always say that Lucas found us

Lucas is happiest as a sofa surfer. He likes nothing more than curling up or stretching out in the sunniest spot. When I’ve been ill, he’s been at my side. When I cry, he comforts me. When we laugh, he gets excited too.

I always say that Lucas found us, and I truly believe he did. It was only when we got him home for the first time that we realised he was born on the day that my mum passed away. He was meant to live with us, support us and love us, and we were meant to return this in abundance. He’s also the reason I started my small business. So, thank you Lucas, my child with four paws.

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