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British Dogs

Meet Blaze

Blaze the bulldog was exactly what Chloe and her family needed after the loss of their previous dog

Blaze is a one-year-old Olde Tyme English bulldog. He’s such a funny character and brings joy to the entire family. When we first got him, he couldn't walk and had no use of his back legs so, once he had the all-clear from the vets that it wasn't neurological, we had to teach him to walk.

Despite still having weakness in his legs, Blaze bombs around the house, constantly getting into mischief. He loves to steal socks and shoes, or anything he's not meant to have and hide behind the couch with it. He’s also friendly with our elderly hamster.

He bombs around the house, constantly getting into mischief

Blaze comes everywhere with us, and we’ve recently come back from Crail, Scotland where he was a fan favourite. He comes swimming with us down the beach, and even has doggy swimming lessons.

After we lost our old dog, Bruno, at the age of 13, our lives felt empty without a dog and the house felt quiet. We were all mourning the loss of our best friend. Blaze has definitely filled a hole in our hearts – and our beds. He loves to have a good snooze!

Meet Kyra

As an older dog, Kyra has spent a great many years looking out for Marigold and her family

Kyra is an amazing Bernese Mountain dog who’s reached the amazing age of 12 years and six months. She’s a very fit, healthy and loving girl, and she’s very protective of me and my grandchildren.

When one of the grandchildren fell at the age of three, Kyra ran over to protect her and pick her up. Or whenever the grandchildren had a sleepover, she would go to their bedroom, listen to their bedtime story, and then go to sleep between their beds.

She’s very protective of me and my grandchildren

Once after I had a hip operation, I decided to go for a little walk with her, and a man came creeping out of the woods. She stood between me and him to protect me.

When I leave my jacket around, she’ll empty the pockets of dog treats. And every morning she comes over to my bed to give me a good morning kiss and bring me my clothes.

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Meet Pablo

Pablo is Olivia’s first child, but he also somehow seems to know when she’s pregnant – even before she does!

Pablo is a miniature schnauzer. My partner Scott and I welcomed him into our family to keep me company when I wasn’t working due to migraines. We got him from a breeder who also owned his mum and dad, and they brought him up around their family until he was ready to move in with us.

Pablo is very anxious. But he likes to bark, and he’s getting better and better each day! Back in 2019, he suddenly became more and more affectionate towards me. He would cuddle me, snuggle right into my tummy whenever he could and bark when people came near me. Two weeks later, I found out I was pregnant with my first child. We all said he knew! Since then, Pablo has been amazing with my daughter, Esmay, and she loves him so much.

I really think dogs know us better than we do

Fast forward to 2021, Pablo started acting the same way towards me – cuddling me, lying on me, not leaving my side. We weren’t trying for another child, but I rang a friend and said to her ‘I think I’m pregnant. Pablo is acting like he did before I found out with Esmay.’ I hadn’t even told Scott I was going to do a test!

Anyway, turns out I was expecting again! Pablo is also amazing with his brother, Jude. I really think dogs know us better than we do. Or maybe Pablo is just one of a kind. He’ll be happy soon as we’re currently doing up a campervan, making sure we have room for all three of our babies.

Meet Mary Jane

When she first moved in, Mary Jane ripped the house to pieces, but Natalie refused to give up on her

I fostered Mary Jane in January 2016. It was just supposed to be temporary until her owner could have her back, but it turned out he never wanted her back. So, I decided to keep her because I just knew she was special.

In the first few months, she absolutely destroyed my house. She chewed holes in my walls, chewed up and ate a few of my little boy’s toys. She ripped up my flooring and she was forever taking herself for walks by jumping over my six-foot gate.

My house wouldn’t be a home without her

Everybody told me to get rid of her because she’d never learn and she was ‘naughty’, but I believed in her and I’m so glad I did. We’re now in 2022 and she’s the most loyal and loving dog. She loves to curl up on her bed and tuck herself under her blankets with just her nose poking out.

She can be left alone without chewing a single thing. Sometimes she will still clear my six-foot gate but let’s just put that down to checking her legs and muscles are still working properly.

She’s pure white so one of her other favourite things to do is run as fast as she can and slide along the mud on her walks – the dirtier the better! My children absolutely adore her, and she adores them. My house wouldn’t be a home without her.

Meet Pip

Vanessa loves to explore, and with Pip by her side, every day is an adventure

We have sheep, so we decided to get a Border Collie to help us with rounding them up. Pip is brilliant at that and really loves her work.

I do a lot of hiking and have always wanted to walk Hadrian's Wall, which stretches across England. Last September, Pip and I booked our ferry from Ireland and we stayed in hikers' hotels all along the trail. Pip was welcome everywhere – in all the hotels, pubs, and even on the ramblers' bus which would take us to the nearest town each afternoon for supplies. At the end of our trip, we got to Newcastle and took the train back to Carlisle to get the car. All along the trail, people asked me ‘How are you doing this on your own?’, and I told them that I’m never on my own when I have Pip by my side.

I’m never on my own when I have Pip

Thanks to my furry companion, I enjoyed my holiday all the more, and it just wouldn’t have been the same without her.

Meet Millie

Nick might have rescued Mille from a shelter, but the favour has more than been returned.

Millie came to us from a rescue shelter based in Romania. She's been a positive influence in our lives in from the day we got her, which seems fitting seeing as she was a gift for my wife to celebrate six months of sobriety.

Mille has been my motivation

I live with a chronic illness called Fibromyalgia. Since diagnosis, my general health and mobility has been declining due to pain and fatigue. Millie has been my motivation to become more active and get out of the house every day. It's such a joy to see her having fun, and she's even enabled me to forge new friendships.

My illness isn't going away, but thanks to Millie, my quality of life has improved immeasurably. She's a rescue dog, but really, she rescued me.

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