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British Dogs

Meet Billy

Billy has been a huge source of support for Patricia while her husband has been suffering from dementia

Billy is a rescue. He’s very special, as he rescued me, too. He was 14 months old when I got him, and he was three and a half kilos underweight, as he'd been kept in a cage with no exercise. He was a scared boy, but he soon came to trust me enough for me to train him.

He’s a clever Border Collie and picked things up very quickly. My husband, Tony, has dementia. And when he was still living at home, he couldn’t be left alone. So, when the carer came for an hour or so to get Tony ready for the day, Billy and I would escape to Woodbury Common, our happy place, and walk away our cares!

I really don’t know how I would have coped without him

Tony is now in a nursing home, and Billy and I visit him regularly. Billy has a routine – when he arrives, he goes to each resident in turn for them to give him a stroke, and he gives them his love in return. He’s always done this, right from day one. On the first day we visited, I let him off the lead and he went straight to the first wheelchair, sat beside it and lay his head very gently on the resident's lap.

I really don’t know how I would have coped with the stress of having a partner with dementia if I had not had my boy, Bill. Not only does he give me his unconditional love, but he also gives the same to Tony and his fellow residents, too. Billy is definitely my hero.

Meet Ruby

When Rosemary discovered Ruby had helped to save her puppies, she knew she was the dog for her

Ruby was a rescue dog from Zakynthos, Greece. She ran out in front of a tourist’s car in the mountains in August this year. Thankfully they stopped, and she led them to a cave where she had five puppies that were about four weeks old. The tourist contacted the local rescue centre who took Ruby and her puppies in. I saw her profile on Facebook and immediately fell in love with her. I applied to adopt her, and she was transported to the UK in October.

Her pups wouldn’t have survived if she hadn’t taken action

We’re not sure of her exact age, but the vets have aged her at between one and two years. She is the most lovable dog ever with a fantastic temperament. When I picked her up, she just jumped into my arms, like she knew she was home. I'm forever grateful to the Healing Paws charity for allowing me to adopt her. All of her pups are now also in England and I am in touch with the owners. She had beautiful pups who no doubt would never have survived if she hadn’t taken action when she did.

She has been named after one of her rescuers, who I also keep in touch with. Ruby has changed my life with her lovable ways. She loves her walks and, after having a hip replacement last Christmas Eve, has enabled me to get out as well. My hubby didn't want a dog, but he is so besotted with her now!

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Meet Sandy

William’s job isn’t easy, but he knows he’ll always come home to Sandy’s loving support and affection.

I'm a support worker for the very vulnerable and my dog is the best thing that has happened to me since lockdown began.

She gives me so much love!

I come home every night and she jumps all over me and gives me so much love. She makes my day so much better. She is my alarm clock, and even talks to me in her own special way by licking my face and nudging me when she needs me.

Meet Norman

Carole adores her cheeky chappy Norman, even if he does have a habit of going walkabout.

As a pup, Norman was a bit of an escapologist. He managed to escape out of the house and run off round the corner. He got into a garden and went in through an open back door. He was discovered by the homeowner when he heard a noise, turned around and found Norman sitting watching tv with him and his family!

Norman was a bit of an escapologist

Another time, he managed to squeeze under our garden fence and make his way into our neighbour’s house… where he was eventually found in her upstairs bedroom.

Meet Wolfgang

Ever since settling in with owner Kerri, Wolfgang hasn’t let blindness stop him living life to the fullest

Wolfgang came to us as he was born blind with no eyes. When we first got him, he was very timid – wouldn’t walk, eat or play. But by the second day he was running and playing like a normal puppy.

He doesn’t let his disability stop him in any way

He doesn’t let his disability stop him in any way and likes to play with his toys and our other two dogs. He’s come on great in the five weeks we’ve had him, going from 0.9kg to nearly 2kg! He is looking forward to experiencing his first Christmas and getting to play with all the wrapping paper.

Meet Sammy

Sometimes Sammy has so many people waiting on him, Stephanie thinks he’s more human than dog

He’s the best thing since sliced bread – a human with four paws. He's not easy to wake in the morning because he likes to stay wrapped up in my dressing gown until I get sorted.

He enjoys the perks of two houses, as he passes between ours and the neighbours via his own self-made gate in the fence. He goes there to play and comes home to sleep.

He’s the best thing since sliced bread

He loves ‘hunt the treat’ games, as well as the usual doggy toys. He asks to go out for a wee by peeping round the corner of the room and giving a small 'chuff' sound. He also makes the same noise when he wants to come up on the sofa – he’s a dog with manners.

He has his own masseuse (my friend), his own eye cleaner (my husband) and his own bottom cleaner (me). Can you get any more human than that? Or is he just a spoilt pooch? We love him loads, for all his traits.

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