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British Dogs

Meet Billy

Billy was a scaredy cat when he first met his owner Rachel, but now he’s gone through a complete transformation

We rescued Billy when he was seven months old and were already his third owners.

Due to being kept in a cage, he smelled pretty bad when we first met him. But now, he’s gone from being frightened of everything (even the wind!) to being a lovely, funny and confident little boy who brings us great pleasure.

Who needs slippers?

He’s such a clever little thing and he’s a delight to train. In fact, he can do lots of tricks! I love nothing more than settling down for the evening with him lying on my feet, because who needs slippers?

This picture is one of my favourites. Here, he’s just had a good brushing and his ears are full of static!

Meet Charlie

Whether she’s out in the garden or snuggling up on the sofa, Karen can always rely on her dog Charlie for company

Charlie helps me to keep a work life balance and to stay healthy. I work as a nurse and no matter how exhausted I am, he gives me a reason to get up and make the most of each day

Charlie has encouraged me to get outdoors

Over lockdown, Charlie has encouraged me to get outdoors and to start growing my own vegetables. He loves it, as he gets fed fresh peas, peppers, and other scrumptious home grown produce as a treat when we are gardening. He also gives the best cuddles in the evening when we’re tired from a day of fresh air. Charlie is my best friend and I couldn’t be without him.

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Meet Holly

Samantha loves how her dog Holly always looks on the bright side

Holly is a seven-year-old English Sheepdog. She has been there for me through thick and thin. Around seven years ago, I was severely ill with a mental health condition and had to be hospitalised. Holly was my motivation for getting better and helped me find joy in life again.

Holly was my motivation for getting better

She is there for me unconditionally, always giving me cuddles and kisses when I need them and making me smile with her funny antics. For instance, Holly thinks she is a tiny dog and loves to sit on people’s laps, but doesn’t seem to realise how large and clumsy she is!

Holly hasn’t had it easy and has needed surgery in the past, but despite all she has been through she remains a happy, playful girl who gives me all the love and joy in the world. I am so lucky to have her.

Meet Luna

Luna has a quirky, strong-willed personality, but her owner Daisy completely adores her

Luna’s a rescue dog from Ireland, who we’ve had since she was just nine months old.

She’s loveable and calm natured, but also the strangest dog (in the best way) that you’ll ever meet.

Luna is very set in her ways

Luna is very set in her ways and doesn’t like anything outside of her usual routine. She won’t walk a different route and will lie down and refuse to move like a stroppy toddler! She likes her own seat on the sofa and waits for treats at the same spots on her walk. She really is the heartbeat of our family home.

Meet George

Over the past five years, Liz has watched George transform from a naughty little puppy into the best dog she could ask for

George was the most mischievous pup ever. He was banned from two different dog training classes and the trainer refused to have him. He was also banned from our local pub for trying to bully the landlord’s dog. At home, he chewed through kitchen work tops, chair legs, cushions etc... I could go on.

Now, he’s the best boy ever. Our family wouldn’t be without him. At the age of five, he’s already blind in one eye, but it doesn’t hold him back. We just love him.

George was the most mischievous pup ever

Meet Oscar

At a stressful time in her life, Paula knew she could rely on her dog Oscar to help her feel better

Five years ago, I was the victim of an armed robbery attack at my workplace. I was left badly shaken and very frightened. As soon as I was brought home from the police station, Oscar came to me and sat with me, and when I went to change from my uniform he followed me closely.

He’d stay close by my side

Not long after the incident, my dad had to go and visit my mum in hospital, which meant leaving me home alone. Oscar lay beside me the couch for the entire time dad was away. And, for the whole week I was off work Oscar followed me around the house, sitting in the bathroom doorway and sleeping right beside me every night. Even when we were out on a walk, he’d stay close by my side if someone came towards us.

Throughout the months it took me to recover Oscar was there – and for that I’ll be forever grateful.

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