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British Dogs

Meet Bella

Diane has written a poem for her beautiful beagle, Bella

Bella the beagle is a happy soul, eating and sleeping is her main goal.

From first thing in the morning to last thing at night, her beautiful nature is a wonderful sight.

Our love knows no end

If you’re down or sad she’ll be right there, showing you that she’s full of care.

Don’t be fooled by the innocent face, she can scoff chicken meat at a rapid pace.

A perfect pet, our wonderful friend, Our love for Bella knows no end.

Meet Meg

Denise is constantly amused by how much her dog Meg loves playing with her football-themed toys

It took our dog, Meg, about nine years to be able to play with a toy without totally destroying it. She adopted her first cushion football after rooting through a charity bag of toys and claiming it. We’ve since bought her plenty more because she becomes so attached to them. She plays with them, takes them out into the garden and even falls asleep next to them!

She becomes so attached to them

Meg is not amused when we put her toys in the wash. We’re only forgiven when she can get them back out quickly, sometimes before they’re fully dried. The funniest thing about her obsession is that if you say football, she goes and finds one! She’s a great dog who’s always filling our days with laughter.

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Meet Buddy

Ever since he came into their lives, Buddy has been Victoria’s daughter’s closest companion

Buddy belongs to my 14-year-old daughter, Abbie. For four years, from the age of three, she wanted a dog. Eventually, she chose Buddy, a two-day-old red Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and we visited every other week until he could come home with us.

Abbie has been committed to Buddy ever since. She’s been taking him training twice a week, every week, since he was old enough to go to puppy classes. She feeds him and bathes him and does everything for him. She has even researched the best food for maintaining his health.

The bond they have is wonderful to see

The bond they have is wonderful to see. When Abbie is unwell or struggling with her asthma, Buddy never leaves her side, choosing to lay next to her until she is well. As a team, they have worked together, competing in Obedience and Rally shows around the region. They’ve also competed at Crufts and won first place many times. This year, they were even chosen to be part of the Northern Team for the Interregional Rally competition at Crufts, where they won first place again.

As well as training, they love to play. Buddy loves balloons and will bounce around for hours with one. He often has Abbie in fits of giggles. When it snows, Buddy tries to help Abbie build snowmen but usually ends up digging them until they fall! He doesn’t like water and will do anything to avoid puddles, but if he sees Abbie going into the sea, he always makes sure he stays with her.

Abbie is quiet around people, but Buddy gives her the confidence to talk. He’s brought her out of her shell and together they are amazing. He really is a special dog. Best friends for life!

Meet Molly

With her faithful best friend Molly by her side, Carole could never feel lonely

Molly is a beautiful Pembroke Corgi, and my best friend. I’m 80 years old and live alone. Without Molly, I think I’d really struggle. She always sticks close and never leaves me alone – I even have to leave the bathroom dooropen when I shower so she can make sure I’m ok!

She gives me so much love and comfort

She gives me so much love and comfort, so I’m never lonely. I think she understands me when I talk to her. When we’re out walking, she greets everyone and expects them to give her a stroke, even if they’re a total stranger. Having Molly has certainly helped me make some new friends.

Meet Tilly

Whether they’re supporting each other through tough times or cuddling up on the sofa after a long day, Tilly and her owner Sam share a very special connection

Tilly is my best friend. She was my companion through both my marriage breakup and my son’s terrible time with his mental health.

We have complete trust between us. She caught her leg on a trampoline spring when she was two, and once we managed to release her, I held her until I handed her over to the vet.

We have complete trust between us

She lies next to me on the sofa of an evening, and she always likes to be touching me and giving me 'the look of love’, as I call it. She knows exactly what I’m saying and is a very quiet, thoughtful and intelligent friend. She loves cheese and slices of ham, and she’s very spoilt. She knows she’s my princess!

We got her a new Whippet puppy friend called Sapphire (as she’s blue) this year, and Tilly has been very patient teaching her the ropes. She’s 13 now and getting visibly older, and I dread the day she will leave us.

Meet Piker

Zoe’s dog Piker is the perfect mix of affectionate and mischievous!

Piker has a beautiful temperament and she’s extremely clever, even though she is still young. She is a firm part of our family now and loves being with us all the time – so much so that she follows us around constantly, and even waits patiently for you if you’re busy.

She is a firm part of our family

Something that makes her unique is her love of rain. We practically have to force her inside when it’s wet so she doesn’t get too cold! Piker is very agile and super speedy, so she loves jumping and vaulting over the back of our sofa.

She is a bundle of fun and mischievous in the best possible way. We’re always amused by her funny antics!

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