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British Dogs

Meet Ashton

Maria’s only had Ashton for a year, but he’s already made her life so much better with his sweet personality

The day I’m writing this is Ashton’s first birthday. Over the last year, he’s brought pure joy into my life. He’s a playful, happy little dog, who simply won’t allow you to be sad around him.

He likes to sit on top of the sofa cushions like a cat and will go anywhere that’s warm. He loves to be snuggled under blankets and will make his own ‘nest’ out of any soft material he can curl up in.

He has a sister, and he always barks at her until she plays with him – but he isn’t too pleased when she barks back! He also gets major ‘FOMO’, so if there’s even a small chance of something exciting happening, he needs to be there – even if you’re just going to make a cup of tea.

Most importantly, he’s helped me stay positive when I’ve struggled to get up in the mornings. Knowing this bundle of joy relies on me and loves me unconditionally has helped me get up on many days when I didn’t even want to move. Ashton is my best friend.

He simply won’t allow you to be sad around him

Meet Schubert

Though Schubert can be a bit crazy at times, he always knows when Megan needs him, whether she’s studying for her PhD or helping a stranger in distress

Schubert entered our lives in May 2021. Both of us are currently studying for PhDs and Schubert has been a real lifeline to get us through that. He is clumsy and a hilarious ball of energy, but he also knows when we need calm and he’s sensitive to our needs as well as his own.

He’s sensitive to our needs as well as his own

Just recently, we took Schubert on a walk up the Wrekin in Shropshire and on the way down we encountered a woman who had fallen and broken her ankle. She had three young children with her. Normally Schubert is not brilliant with children, but he could sense how upset they were, and he sat very calmly for nearly two hours, allowing them to hug him, stroke him and just gain comfort from him. Once we were eventually able to continue the walk down the Wrekin, it was completely dark, and Schubert led the way to ensure a safe path for us all. We were very proud of him that day.

Schubert has also suffered a lot with allergies since March this year. He was very subdued for a few months, but we recently added a new puppy, Heidi, to our family. Since then, Schubert has really regained the spring in his step and returned to his playful self. He is still suffering from with his allergies, but we are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

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Meet Oscar

Susan is so proud of the way Oscar takes care of her son

Oscar is fabulous. He's looks after my son, Jason, who has autism. When he knows Jason is unhappy, he’ll go and sit next to him until he cheers up.

Until he cheers up

My dog has such a fun personality and can be very cheeky. He enjoys having a sneaky nibble of the newspaper when he thinks no one is looking! He’s also a total water baby, and so his favourite pastime is undoubtedly swimming.

Meet Taz

From helping her care for her children to supporting her through relationship breakdowns, Taz has been Lacey’s rock for 12 years

I bought my Border Collie Taz just after my eldest son was born. He was just eight weeks old, and a bundle of trouble! I was suffering with anxiety and depression, and my partner at the time worked nights which left me alone with a new baby. From day one, Taz just seemed to know that I needed him. He would go and look round the house when I got worried and lie quietly by my side when I had panic attacks.

As a ‘teen’ Taz became a handful. He was so cheeky, and very overprotective of me. We ended up going to obedience and agility classes which taught him how to be a helpful member of the household, while also bringing me out of my shell and allowing me to find myself again.

He has been my only constant for 12 years

Over the years, he has helped look after me through four pregnancies. He learnt to help me up from the floor when I was too big to do it myself. When my babies were born, he would fetch wet wipes and toys. He was my rock through a divorce and a very nasty breakup, and even though he isn’t a big fan of hugs, when I’m upset he lets me cry into his fur. He has been my only constant for 12 years.

We have a cup of tea together every morning (he loves a decaf with oat milk in his very own mug), and he sleeps on the end of my bed. He is slowing down now, and we have a new puppy, Bruce, who Taz is training up ready for his retirement years. Taz is my dog of a lifetime, and I can honestly say I don't think I would be here without him.

Meet Rosie

During the pandemic, Rosie turned out to be the perfect therapy for Laura’s elderly next-door neighbour

Over the past few years our dog Rosie has become a therapy pooch, albeit very much by accident! During lockdown, our widowed elderly next-door neighbour was self-isolating and very lonely. After a chat over the garden fence near the start of the pandemic, we arranged to shop for her and collect medicines etc.

She is an absolute treasure

But it was our Rosie who really improved her quality of life by visiting her and spending most days with her next door. She’d only come back home through the gate for meals, sleep and walks! Although we missed Rosie’s company, as a family of six, we realised she was providing her with the much-needed love and companionship that she was seriously lacking at that challenging time.

This relationship has subsequently continued. Now the pandemic has ended, our neighbour has sadly been diagnosed with cancer and Rosie has supported her throughout her treatment, giving her a reason to keep going. We are all back at school, college, uni and work, but Rosie continues to share her love with our lovely neighbour. Rosie will always be a positive influence in all of our lives. She is an absolute treasure, sharing her love with two homes!

Meet Bear

Katie wasn’t a dog-person until she met Bear, the adorable pooch who brings even more joy to her life

I'll start by saying I didn't really want a dog. My husband had wanted one for so long, however I felt that it was an extra responsibility and commitment that we didn't really need – but then I met Bear.

He’s lifted me up when I’ve felt sad

Bear is my best friend. He's lifted me up when I’ve felt sad, helped me cope with stress and brought even more joy to my life during the happiest times – like on holiday, where he adapted naturally to life as the resident camp pooch.

We're incredibly close to the owners of his sister Dolly, and our two dogs share an incredible amount of traits. They're both inseparable, bonkers and completely ball mad!

One of Bear’s funniest traits is the way he bounces for his breakfast. It's like he gets so excited to eat that he starts dancing – a breakfast boogie, so to speak. Bear really is the most wonderful dog and the best friend a girl could wish for!

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