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British Dogs

Meet Arlo

Tori’s mental health has only got better since Arlo came into her life, and she’s helped him overcome some of his own fears in return

Arlo came into my life in October 2019. He's the best little pooch. Before Arlo, I worked in a job that destroyed my mental health, and I had panic attacks most days. When I decided to quit to focus on myself, I thought ‘now would be a good time to get a furry friend'. It was the best decision!

Arlo has changed my life. He's helped my anxiety levels massively and he gives me purpose. He’s my best friend, my companion, my family and I love him dearly. If I'm sad, he's there, and if I'm happy, he's there. He puts the biggest smile on my face and his tail never stops wagging. He's definitely my soul mate.

If I'm sad, he's there, and If I'm happy, he's there

I like to think I've helped him to overcome some worries as well. As a young pup he was attacked by another dog which left him very scared and nervous around both dogs and humans. It's been a long process, but he's made so much progress and I'm so proud of him. He's so kind, even after what happened. I sometimes believe that dogs (and animals in general) are too good for this world. But we have each other, and for that I will forever be grateful.

Arlo’s favourite thing in this world is balls. He will do just about anything for a ball. He loves most toys, in fact. He's a very playful soul and often drops toys in your lap to let you know it's playtime. But nothing beats snuggle time. At any time of the day, Arlo is up for a good cuddle. He lights up the life of anyone who’s lucky enough to know him.

Meet Indie

Sam’s dog Indie is a bit of a mischief-maker, but that’s what makes her so adorable

Indie is a family dog. She absolutely loves our children, especially when they let her on the sofa for early morning cuddles.She also enjoys long walks in the woods when it’s dry and occasionally the beach too, although she isn’t a fan of the sea, or any water for that matter.

Often ends up licking people in the face

I wish I had kept a diary of everything Indie destroyed when she was a puppy. She was such a heavy chewer and sometimes you just couldn’t catch her in time.There was one infamous occasion when we were settingup my son’s new tent, and as we stood back to admire it, Indie put her jaws around the guide rope and brought the whole thing down!

Indie gets a lot of attention, which she loves, but she doesn’t quite know how to handle herself, and often ends up licking people in the face – she’s especially partial to those with beards. It’s always a challenge trying to keep from scaring away strangers in the park.

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Meet Jet

Jet helped Sue and her family heal after the loss of their beloved Banjo, and now he’s like an older brother to their two younger Whippets

Jet came to us with his brother Rebel via Whippet Rescue. We had recently lost our much-loved whippet, Banjo, at the age of three to an awful brain disease. We were heartbroken.

A few weeks after Banjo’s death, we received a phone call asking if we would consider adopting the two brothers. Their owner had become unwell and was no longer able to care for them. They were being passed around family members, none of whom wanted them. We thought long and hard for at least thirty seconds and said we would love them.

Jet is the venerable senior of our little pack

When we picked them up, every bone was visible. They were sunburnt, their ears were like old leather, and they were scared and bewildered. Over the next few weeks, we healed each other. They filled the enormous void left by our beloved Banjo, and we lavished them with good food and lots of TLC. They spent hours relaxing in the garden, and as they became more confident and settled, they helped out by digging and running all over the beds – but we didn’t mind.

We started taking them out in the car and they became firm favourites at our local National Trust property. They also loved trips to the beach as there was so much space to run. Sadly, we lost Rebel to kidney failure in March this year. However, Jet was not left alone as we had adopted a Whippet Bedlington Terrier cross called Reg in 2022.

At the end of May this year, we also had a message from a friend saying there was another Whippet in need, and she knew we had a ‘vacancy’, so Sam came to join us. Jet is the venerable senior of our little pack and keeps an eye on Reg and Sam.

Meet Mei

Charlotte had always been scared of dogs, but Mei helped her to overcome her fears

When my parents first came home with a hyperactive Springer Spaniel puppy in their arms, I was sceptical to say the least. I have struggled with a phobia of dogs since I was a child, crossing the road whenever I came within barking distance of a dog, no matter how small they were. So, the day they adopted Mei I sat alone by the backdoor, watching my family interact with this tiny, floppy-eared being rolling in the grass and scampering under the garden furniture.

I stopped flinching at every bark

Eventually, my mother dragged me out into the garden and sat me on a deck chair, in the centre of all the action. Mei immediately bounded over to me, sniffing and biting my shoelaces. It was the closest I had been to a dog my whole life. She must have liked the smell of my shoes because she soon fell asleep on them. While she slept, I felt brave enough to strokeher fur.

Over the coming months, I stopped flinching at every bark, and I even played with her and taught her a few tricks. Now, when I come across a dog in the street or park I react with interest and joy, rather than the fear and anxiety I had always lived with.

Meet Rebel

Now his racing career is over, Rebel is finally getting to enjoy life to the full thanks to Sophie

Rebel is everything to us! As first-time dog owners, we were so nervous about getting a pet, but we knew rescuing a Greyhound was the right choice. Just a few days before we were due to pick him up, he'd been attacked in the rescue centre so came to us full of bites and stitches – a great way to get to know our lovely local vets!

Judging by Rebel's scars from his racing days, it's clear he's had a tough life before retirement. But we are determined to teach him to just enjoy life. He now takes full ownership of the sofa and bed, wakes us up by rooing and teeth chattering in the morning, and can't get enough of his toys and snacks.

He’s the most perfect, loving dog who has completely changed our lives for the better. Of course, he still enjoys running in an enclosed field to impress us!

We are determined to teach him to just enjoy life

Meet Lily

As a vicar, Jane spent much of the pandemic alone with her responsibilities weighing heavily on her shoulders, but Lily always helped lighten the load

Lily was adopted from Labrador Rescue North West in October 2009 at approximately two years old. The first few months were really challenging as she had chronic separation anxiety. After I helped her settle, she began to mend my broken heart following the death of my previous 14-year-old Labrador six weeks earlier.

I am a vicar and live on my own. Lily is always ready to cuddle and listen when I have faced a challenging pastoral encounter. She’s a really good timekeeper and when I’m busy with work, she will come and put her head on my knee when it’s time for walkies, as if to say ‘Take me out, I'm way more interesting than your computer’.

Lily’s also good when I have work meetings as she welcomes people, makes them feel at ease and offers cuddles when they’re upset. Pastoral walks can sometimes make it easier for people to talk about difficult things and Lily always comes along on those.

During the pandemic, Lily was what kept me going

During the pandemic, I struggled with anxiety. I felt the weight of my responsibility for those in my care, and I had no physical human contact for months as I live alone. Lily was what kept me going. She was my reason to go out daily, and those walks in nature when we couldn't go anywhere else were so important for my mental health.

Lily is a typical Labrador and will eat anything, which is not necessarily a good thing as she has a wheat allergy. She seemingly goes deaf on a walk if she's found something disgusting that she is enjoying eating or rolling in! She also loves water, the muddier the better.

Lily is now 12 and beginning to struggle with arthritis, but she will still play like a baby when she meets up with another of her canine friends. Just this week she had me laughing as she frolicked through a field of buttercups trying to instigate play with a three-year-old spaniel, who was too busy following her nose to join in.

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