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British Dogs

Meet Alfie

Amy and her dog Alfie have both faced their own difficulties in life, but now they can always rely on each other for support

My dog Alfie (aka Alfred, Alfie Moo, Moose or Moosey) is my best friend. I was approached by a rescue service who desperately needed an urgent foster for him. After a month, I knew we had the most amazing bond, so I adopted him.

At the time I was getting my life back together after a tricky couple of years and Alfie became such a massive part of that journey. When the country went into lockdown and I was living away from my family, I was so glad to have him with me!

I feel so honoured that I can give him a loving home

He's still a nervous dog, but he's so clever and I feel so honoured that I can give him a loving home. He never lets me lie in, and he insists on walkies first thing in the morning, even on a day off! That is unless it’s raining, when he quickly turns back round for home.

He's grown to trust and love my parents and partner. He's also the biggest cheese fiend and can smell it from a mile away. While he doesn't like the car, he always enjoys our adventures out and about.

I'm proud I get to come home to Moose every day. I don't know what he went through before he came to me (and I don't want to know), but he's an inspiration!

Meet Abbie

Abbie is Andrea’s fitness buddy and green-pawed assistant

Abbie is a beautiful dog with such a lovely temperament. She is the reason I exercise every day. With her by my side, I can walk for miles. My husband was chief walker until I started exercising for weight loss. Abbie keeps me focussed on my goal.

With her by my side, I can walk for miles

She is constantly fascinated with the veg I started growing last year. She’salso very friendly and enjoys regular cuddles with all the delivery drivers.

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Meet Misto

Tessa didn’t adopt Misto in the conventional way – but the pair were meant to find each other, and Misto has helped Tessa to live the dolce vita ever since.

Misto is such a special dog, and he appeared in my life when I was really struggling. My mum had died a few months before and my daughter had moved out, leaving me quite lonely and down.

I went on holiday to Sicily with my niece, staying in a remote spot and one day Misto just appeared! He took a shine to me (and me to him!) and would fine me every day, curling up beside me wherever I was. It felt like my mum had sent him to me, and so we named him Misto in her memory - her favourite greyhound was a brindle called misty, so we ‘italianised’ the name to Misto - which is fitting, as in Italian it means ‘mixed’!

In Italian it means mixed

When I asked hotel staff about him they said he was just a stray - they’d had quite a few pups and various Italian visitors had adopted them but he was the last one.  I asked about the possibility of me adopting him, and they put me in contact with an Italian woman who takes in strays and finds homes for them - not usually as far away as England though

Communicating largely through google translate, we arranged for her to take him in. She kept him for about six weeks, got all his jabs, pet passport and arranged his flight over, and he finally arrived at Heathrow in December 2016.

He brings unimaginable joy to my life. I live by the sea and we both love walks and runs on the beach - which is where the photo was taken.

Meet Milly

Nicky’s dog Milly is a cherished member of the family

Milly is a loved, slightly bonkers, Flat-Coated Retriever.She is a valued member of our family and makes us all laugh every day.She has taken it upon herself to look after everyone and is both an assistance and a therapy dog.

Recently, both of my children have been unwell, and Milly looks after them so lovingly.She searches for them when she doesn’t know where they are and lies with them whenever they need some comfort.She even tells us when our daughter is having a seizure, if there is no one else in the room.Milly is incredibly tuned into the children and very gentle and caring, but at the same time she’s great fun and always ready to play.

She has taken it upon herself to look after everyone

She has many of her own special quirks, and likes to collect stones from the beach, sing along to the harmonica, look after her toy squirrel ‘babies’and always starts every morning with a few yoga poses – a downwards and backwards dog.After breakfast, she runs upstairs to get the children out of bed and give them a good wash.We would all be lost without her and are very grateful to have such a special pooch.

Meet Ellie

Ellie completes Margaret’s family, and she is always there for them like they are for her.

Ellie has been with us since she was nine weeks old. She was an RSPCA rescue dog. She is a Staffie Cross, the smallest of five puppies who we fell in love with on first seeing. She isn’t a pet to us, she is our family member.

She is our family member

She has helped me personally through many difficult times — on bad days after losing my precious dad, and when I was diagnosed with breast cancer she never left my side from start to finish of my treatment. She understands our every thought and makes us laugh every day. We always say that she doesn’t think she is a dog!

She has many medical problems herself to overcome but we have always been there for her, like she has us. Life would just not be the same without her.

Meet Drax

Jennifer’s dog Drax may be clumsy, but that just makes him all the more adorable

We think our dog Drax may actually be a small bear. He’s huge, huggable and absolutely ridiculous. We rescued him from being put to sleep just two days before Christmas, and it’s still impossible to believe no one wanted him!

He’s actually the clumsiest animal

Drax look majestic and is very handsome, but he’s also extremely clumsy. He knocks over pretty much anything in his path, will break through closed doors if you shut him in a room even for just a minute, and always shouts at you if he doesn’t agree with what you’re doing. But Drax is also the most loveable dog I’ve ever met – and that’s saying something, because as fosterers, we’ve encountered a lot.

We may have rescued Drax, but really, I think he rescued us more.

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