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British Dogs

Meet Pippa

Life hasn’t been kind to Laura for the past few years, but Pippa has always given her a reason to keep going

Pippa entered our lives, like a hurricane, in June 2021. We had all had our lives tipped upside down by Covid, and to top it all off, my partner Pete was diagnosed with terminal cancer. This was an enormous shock, as he had never had anything more than a mild cold in our 21 years together.

We’d recently heard about a five-month-old Patterdale Jack Russell who had been purchased by a family for their 17-year-old son during lockdown. Unfortunately, after six weeks or so, the son had completely lost interest in her, and she needed a new home. We hadn't been looking for a new best friend at the time, as we’d lost our elderly Parsons Jack Russell the year before. And what with Pete’s diagnosis, and me being on the waiting list for a new knee, we really weren't in the best place to take on a very lively young dog.

I am convinced this little doggy was sent to us from heaven

We discussed all the pros and all the cons and thought to ourselves ‘surely we can’t be this daft?!’ But we eventually decided that life is too short, and we needed someone to make us laugh, comfort us when we needed a cuddle and help us to face the world every day. Boy, oh boy, did we find the right medicine. Pippa is the funniest, cheekiest, most adorable, best friend we could ever have hoped for. Pete passed away five months ago, and I am convinced this little doggy was sent to us from heaven. She has saved my life. She’s my rock and my reason to carry on.

Right now, as I tell you my little story, I am in a hospital bed with my brand-new knee, missing Pippa very much. I’m missing the way she sits across my chest so she can feel my heartbeat, and the way she uses hypnotherapy when she thinks she deserves a treat. She won't be missing me right now though, as she’s having an amazing, thoroughly deserved holiday on the beach. She’ll be running through the woods, swimming in the river and probably getting covered in mud. And we’ll be doing all those things together from here on in, for many years to come.

Meet Drax

Jennifer’s dog Drax may be clumsy, but that just makes him all the more adorable

We think our dog Drax may actually be a small bear. He’s huge, huggable and absolutely ridiculous. We rescued him from being put to sleep just two days before Christmas, and it’s still impossible to believe no one wanted him!

He’s actually the clumsiest animal

Drax look majestic and is very handsome, but he’s also extremely clumsy. He knocks over pretty much anything in his path, will break through closed doors if you shut him in a room even for just a minute, and always shouts at you if he doesn’t agree with what you’re doing. But Drax is also the most loveable dog I’ve ever met – and that’s saying something, because as fosterers, we’ve encountered a lot.

We may have rescued Drax, but really, I think he rescued us more.

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Meet Erin

Erin came into Lucy’s life while she was still at university and, despite everyone telling her it wasn’t the right time, she’s never looked back

I was still at uni when I got Erin. Every single person I knew told me NOT to get a dog so young, especially a border collie as they’re known for their rather relentless nature. But, after listening to endless puppy podcasts and reading countless books, I travelled all the way to Wales to meet this three-month-old puppy.

Still, no amount of research could have prepared me for what was to come. Within the first five seconds of meeting me, Erin had peed all over my carefully selected outfit and licked my face raw.

She’s brought an energy to my life that I’ve never felt before

As soppy as it sounds, I knew she was the one then and there. I cannot express how blessed I feel to now be the proud owner of a beautiful girl who is ball-obsessed, barks at anything that moves and will lick every inch of your face when given the opportunity.

She’s got me through two lockdowns and the rest of my degree, but most of all she’s brought an energy to my life that I’ve never felt before. She is completely crazy, but I wouldn’t change her for the world.

Meet Bernie

Yvonne decided to adopt Bernie after losing her dog, and he’s been making her smile ever since.

Bernie is my fur baby bundle of joy. I lost my dog Lucky who I had for ten years very suddenly, and I swore never to get another dog as the pain losing them is horrendous. But after four months of coming home to an empty house, I decided to adopt.

That’s when I got Bernie and I’m so glad I did. He makes me laugh and cry. We have cuddles and he sleeps by my side, he snores and belches very loudly after every meal or treat! He loves his tennis ball – I sometimes have to throw it in the house for him.

Every dog deserves to be loved

My friend calls him Lamb Chops because he looks like one! He jumps very high when he wants your attention or to go for walk. I just love him to bits as he's helped me through some really bad times. In summer or when weather’s fine, there’s a group of us with dogs and he loves playing with all his friends. It makes you smile knowing they are happy. Every dog deserves to be loved.

Meet Lottie

The joy that Lottie brought to Kerry’s life inspired her to start an online group to brighten other dog-lovers’ days too

Lottie has had such a positive impact on my life in every way. I was diagnosed with cerebrovascular disease and the doctor said I needed to try and live a happy, stress-free life. After a couple of years of researching dog breeds, we chose a Shih Tzu and here she is!

She’s changed the lives of our whole family massively. Personally, I’ve really benefited from the extra exercise and her calming influence. I have to take tablets each day but Lottie is definitely a pill I couldn’t live without! A dog is the best medicine.

She also brings such joy to our extended family with her love and attention. She greets everyone with a kiss and a cuddle, or rolls over for a tummy tickle! I can’t get out of bed in the morning without a Lottie cuddle – she doesn’t allow it. Lottie isn’t really one for tricks but chasing and fetching balls is one of her favourite things.

A dog is the best medicine

And she hasn’t just brought joy to us. I work in a school office and, after one particularly bad day during the pandemic, I came home, sat on the sofa with a cup of tea and Lottie next to me, and thought ‘I need something else to distract me from work.’

So, in January 2021, Barking Mad Cheshire came alive. It’s a group for dog lovers and businesses, and a year later I’ve got over 4,500 members. The joy and positivity that Lottie and the other dogs in the group have brought to so many people is unbelievable. I’ve received a number of messages saying how the group has helped people during sad times and got them through difficult days, especially during the pandemic.

Lottie is such a joy and I can’t imagine my life without her. She’s a loving, loyal little dog.

Meet Alfie

Lynn might be retired, but with naughty little Alfie to keep her company, her life is anything but quiet!

We got Alfie when he was just eight weeks old, just after I had retired. I have rheumatoid arthritis and need to keep myself mobile – and Alfie is just what I need, providing me with reason to get out and walk every day.

He can be very naughty

He is physically and mentally a force of nature, but he is such amazing company and we love him dearly. He can be very naughty – he knows what he shouldn’t do but likes to do it anyway! He always makes up for it though, by jumping up and giving us kisses.

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