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British Dogs

Meet Lexi

Lexi came into Frank’s life after he suffered a stroke five years ago, and since then she’s made even his darkest days that little bit brighter

I’ve been a dog lover since I was a kid. I grew up with at least one Great Dane, Irish Wolfhound or Miniature Schnauzer always around. But my wife was not a dog-lover, nor had she grown up with any pets. I had resigned myself to the fact that I would not be having any dogs in my married life.

Five years ago, I had a stroke. It came out of the blue and suddenly my life was turned upside down. Two months afterwards, my wife had one of these ‘lightbulb moments’ and thought getting a dog would be good for my recovery. In life, when there is a window of opportunity, you have to grab it with both hands, so I certainly didn't argue! A few weeks later, we brought home the most gorgeous Jack Russell puppy, who we decided to name Lexi.

She helps alleviate my stress and anxiety on those dark days

Lexi has been a hugely positive influence in my life. She’s a loyal companion who’s always there for me. When my wife is working and our children are at school, Lexi is the one who gets me through the days. Every day comes with its own challenges for me. My life is governed by my stroke fatigue, but Lexi gets me out of bed and walking.

Often, if we haven't been out, Lexi will still try to get me to move my legs by dropping a tennis ball at my feet, encouraging me to kick the ball so she can fetch it. She helps alleviate my stress and anxiety on those dark days and gives me confidence that things can get better. She also knows when I freeze up, so if I stay in the same position without moving my face or body, she starts barking at me.

She’s loved by everyone in the house, including my wife. When we got Lexi, my wife was adamant that she would strictly be a downstairs dog. Today, not only is Lexi allowed in the bedroom, but she spends most nights sleeping on our bed! And our children can’t stop kissing and tickling her.

My stroke has been challenging for everyone in our house, but Lexi has been the silver lining that comes with every cloud! She has brought immense joy to us all and is a reminder that light can come out of darkness.

Meet Daisy

Daisy has given her owner Bridget a new lease of life, and even helped her to make a new friend or two

Daisy came to us when we were just retired. We used to have a dog when our children were small and I was at home with them, so we knew how much joy they could bring to our lives.

Taking Daisy out for walks has helped us to meet lots of new people. She gets walked twice daily, which forces us to keep active and enjoy some fresh air every day, even when it’s cold and wet.

Helped us to meet lots of new people

Now our grandchildren are going to universities across the country and our children are busy working, we don’t see so much of them. Daisy fills this void and gives us lots of cuddles and love. She loves riding in cars, especially our Morris 1000! She also makes us laugh endlessly. It’s hard to imagine how we managed for all those years without a dog.

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Meet Bruno

Kirsty is incredibly grateful for Bruno’s infectious love for life

Bruno came to us at just four months old. He is so lively and happy, and nothing ever brings him down. We could never have anticipated how greathe would be for us, or how much he would help our mental health. It’s like he knows when we’re having a bad day and does everything he can to make us feel better.

We honestly can’t imagine life without him

Even though he is a big dog now, he still believes he can sit on our laps. We honestly can’t imagine life without him and it’s even more difficult to remember what it what like before him.

Bruno wants to play with every other dog he sees. His favourite places to walk are along the river or down the beach, though he isn’t a big fan of the sea. We share our love for him on his Instagram page. We just hope that if people are having a bad day, they stumble across his cute pictures and find a reason to smile again.

Meet Pip

Vanessa loves to explore, and with Pip by her side, every day is an adventure

We have sheep, so we decided to get a Border Collie to help us with rounding them up. Pip is brilliant at that and really loves her work.

I do a lot of hiking and have always wanted to walk Hadrian's Wall, which stretches across England. Last September, Pip and I booked our ferry from Ireland and we stayed in hikers' hotels all along the trail. Pip was welcome everywhere – in all the hotels, pubs, and even on the ramblers' bus which would take us to the nearest town each afternoon for supplies. At the end of our trip, we got to Newcastle and took the train back to Carlisle to get the car. All along the trail, people asked me ‘How are you doing this on your own?’, and I told them that I’m never on my own when I have Pip by my side.

I’m never on my own when I have Pip

Thanks to my furry companion, I enjoyed my holiday all the more, and it just wouldn’t have been the same without her.

Meet Max and Millie

Max and Millie might be chalk and cheese, but they are the perfect pair and together they’ve brightened up Charli’s life.

We had not long moved into our first home, and decided to adopt a rescue dog from the local rescue centre. After looking at a couple, we eventually went to Birmingham dogs home where we set our eyes upon Max. He looked so sad in his kennel, he had no name and apparently, he was a stray. After getting him out of the kennel into the exercise area, he loved being outside and running around. He gave us that ‘feeling’ and four days later we brought him home.

We noticed an instant change

It was the start of a journey — he was scared of everything. However as soon as you let him off his lead, his half-greyhound side comes out and boy does he love to run! The woods are his favourite place to explore and chase the squirrels and rabbits. Although we had made progress with him, it was clear he needed a friend so we were advised to get another dog— and this is where we welcome Millie!

From the same rescue home, Millie was six when she came home with us. We noticed an instant change in Max. He was more confident, not so scared of the big wide world. As Millie likes to socialise with other dogs (typical Labrador trait) we started to meet with other dog owners in the local park, and now at least once a week we meet up and let the dogs play.

Meet Bob

Sally was told Bob couldn’t survive his cancer, but now he’s seven years old and still thriving

Bob had to have one of his rear legs amputated at the age of three, following an osteosarcoma. He then underwent chemotherapy, and we were told that at best he would have 12-18 months. Bob didn’t hear that though. He is the most amazing dog with the most amazing zest for life.

He makes us laugh with his antics every day. On his daily walks with his mum, granny, great-uncle and nephew, he gambols like a lamb and throws himself down on the ground, rolling just for the fun of it.

He seems to know if we are down and will come and place his beautiful head on our laps, looking at us with his wonderful deep eyes. It’s as though he knows we helped him when he needed us and now, following my cancer diagnosis, he’s helping me, too.

He adores everyone he meets, and they adore him, often not noticing he only has three legs. He has been an inspiration to owners of other dogs with the same condition, some of whom have made it like him and others who haven’t. Life with Bob is a better life.

Life with Bob is a better life

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