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British Dogs

Meet Lavender

Lavender always puts students at ease when she sits in on Lauren’s school therapy sessions

I am a therapist working in a secondary school. Lavender has been working alongside me for a year, providing emotional support (in the form of cuddles, companionship and licks) to the teenagers that I see. It has been amazing seeing how transformative her presence is. Therapy can be very intense and daunting, and having Lavender in the room can be a real comfort for those who are finding it difficult for any number of reasons.

She is incredibly intelligent

At home, we enjoy lots of lovely walks and playtime together, where she can relax and have fun. She is incredibly intelligent, and we love to learn new tricks. Lavender is very food motivated (typical Lab!) and loves to sit by me when I’m preparing dinner in the hopes that some carrot or courgette will find their way to her.

She is precious to me, and I couldn’t imagine life without her. She has had such a wonderful impact on so many people just by being her silly, loving and affectionate self.

Meet Casper

Casper’s cheerful demeanour and cheeky sense of humour make him a great addition to Kay’s family

Our lovely Casper is 13 in March and this is his and our story so far. We went to meet him and his brothers and sisters and my son said which one should we choose. My son was sat on the floor and Casper had fallen asleep on his knee. We pointed out that Casper had chosen him and us.

A few weeks before we were due to collect Casper we got a call from his breeder saying that he had to have a little op and we didn't have to have him. My son said Casper was definitely ours.

Casper has some lovely traits and everyone who meets him loves him commenting on his gentle friendly manner and his waggy tail. He is very cheeky. For our doorbell we have a plug-in tester inside our house. It has a button on it and it lights up and the bell rings if pressed. When we are not watching Casper presses it with his nose. The bell rings and Casper barks as if someone is at the door and looks towards it. We go to see who is at the door and realise what our cheeky Casper has done. We look around at him and he is wagging his tail!

Casper's favourite place is the beach. He loves a stone being kicked for him so he can chase it, dig a hole around it and lay outstretched in the hole with the stone looking out. He makes us smile and other people on the beach.

I was recently unwell and sitting on the sofa. Casper gently jumped up resting his paws on my knees to comfort me. He is very caring and thoughtful. Casper is 13 next month and just as playful as he was as a puppy. He is so very special.

He is very caring and thoughtful

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Meet Brutus and Monty

When Mel was at her lowest, her dogs Brutus and Monty helped her to find the strength she needed to keep going

Not long ago, I was going through a very tough time both physically and emotionally, and had to take some time off work. My husband and I had recently bought a French Bulldog pup called Brutus for my daughter as a 21st birthday present. She works full time, which meant that during the week I had to get up each morning to look after him. Spending time caring for Brutus helped to give me some structure in my day, and soon I started to find a new sense of purpose and happiness in my life.

Brutus helped enormously to give me some structure

He is so full of character, and has brought nothing but love and joy into our lives. Of course, I had to remind myself that he wasn’t actually my dog, but my daughter’s. I think my family realised what a huge impact he was having on my life though, because a few weeks ago, they gave me my very own little French Bulldog, Monty, as an early birthday present!

Monty has fast become a member of our family. He’s full of energy and a very different dog to Brutus, but just as loving and affectionate as his older brother. He gets me up and moving every day and gives me the motivation I need to keep going. I owe so much to my two furry friends.

Meet Claude

Claude has been through a lot in his short life, so Charlotte always makes sure she gives him enough love to make up for it

Claude has a lovely spoilt life because he’s had so many illnesses since he was a pup, including parvovirus, reactions to injections, SRMA, IMPA, allergies, and various infections caused by the steroid treatment for his immune system illnesses. On top of that, he’s even had a dew claw injury and removal, and now IBS.

Despite all this, Claude is the happiest and loveliest dog, who always cheers us up and keeps us entertained. He’s a sock and underwear thief and such a character.

He also rules the roost, so he does what he wants, when he wants, whether that’s waking up in the morning, or spreading out on the sofa, beds and anywhere else. He also likes to help with gardening, hoovering and any cleaning!

He does what he wants, when he wants

Meet Pippit

Irene and her husband are so grateful for the endless love, affection and laughter that Pippit has brought into their lives

We sadly lost our Springer Rowan about the same time that Pip was born. Rowan had travelled all over Europe with us in our caravan and was our constant companion. Losing him broke our hearts, but Pip mended them.

Pip has so many funny quirks

He’s a working Springer, but his favourite place to be is on the back of the sofa, where he sits crouched like a rather odd-looking leopard. Pip has so many funny quirks, like taking his bed out of his crate every morning. He always looks so proud trotting up and down the corridor with it, and he’s kept us going through lockdown just by making us laugh every day.

Pip has a long coat over his shoulders which curls the wrong way, which can sometimes make him look as though he’s got a lion’s mane. One of his favourite things to do is search for treats I’ve hidden around the house for him. In the evenings, he likes to curl round my neck to watch TV. He really is an adorable, loving little chap.

Meet ruby

Diana wasn’t sure about dogs, but Ruby came into her life and changed that forever

We treat Ruby like she’s our third daughter.I’d never had a dog before and I was scared about getting one, but having Ruby has made me see that all dogs are absolutely lovely. She has always been a mummy’s girl, and she won’t go for a walk with anyone else. We go to France twice a year and Ruby has come with us every time. It’s a long day of travelling, but right she’s always good as gold.

She won’t go for a walk with anyone else

She is so affectionate and loves nothing more than cuddles on the sofa. If you’re sad, she will snuggle and kiss you even more. I am so pleased my husband and children talked me in to getting a dog, as Ruby has made the past ten years of my life the happiest yet.

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