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British Dogs

Meet Iggy

Iggy’s love of fun and games makes every day a joy for Thomas’s family

Iggy is a Beagle cross who loves other dogs but can be a little shy with new people. She’s a typical beagle, mischievous and noisy – if you talk to Iggy she talks back. Her favourite pastimes are sniffing, digging, zoomies, playing ball, smothering her cat brother with kisses and stealing anything that will fit in her mouth and running away as fast as she can.

Iggy adores her family and squeals with joy whenever any of us come home, even if we’ve only been gone for five minutes. She can’t just wag her tail, she wags with her whole body. Iggy is very goofy, playful and always on the go, but she also appreciates a good nap with her blanket. It’s amazing how she can go from flat out galloping to fast asleep in the blink of an eye.

Iggy is the baby of our family and her big doughy puppy dog eyes and huge floppy ears make it impossible to be annoyed with her even when she’s being cheeky. To us Iggy is perfect and we love her very much flaws and all.

She can’t just wag her tail, she wags with her whole body

Meet Crissy

Emma fell in love with Crissy from the moment she rescued her in Spain, and she knew straight away she had to adopt her

I started volunteering in Spain at a rescue six years ago. One day, a skinny, 11-month-old Great Pyrenees cross was brought in.

Her previous family had mistreated her, and she was so scared. As we carried her into her kennel, she was clinging to us for dear life and trembling. I couldn't bear to leave her in there, so I took her into my cabin where I was staying.

She settled onto my bed but didn't take her eyes off me. I popped into the shower and, when I looked down, I realised that Crissy had climbed into the cubicle with me and was just sitting there, looking up at me. In that moment I knew I had to adopt her.

She’s a big dog, but so gentle

I brought her to the UK, and she's not left my side since then. At 50kg, she's a big dog, but so gentle. She is wonderful with children. She loves her food, so once she's back from a walk she talks to us until she gets her food. She loves smaller dogs and protects my partner’s little dog when we go for walks.

Since getting Crissy, I've ended up setting up my own rescue with a Dutch lady in Spain. We rehome dogs across Europe and this year alone we’ve found forever homes for 20 dogs in the UK. I’ve also rescued another dog, Timmy, who Crissy welcomed with open paws.

She's my best friend and has been a constant in my life. People say she's lucky to have me as I spoil her, but I'm the lucky one as she brings such love and happiness to our family.

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Meet Roma

Maggie and Roma are perfectly in sync, be that in understanding each other’s feelings, or in dancing together on stage!

It’s sometimes hard to put into words what Roma means to me. She’s a dog from Romania, an ex-street dog to be precise.

I’ve never met a dog quite like Roma. She’s very deep, if that makes sense. She notices the slightest change and she remembers something for months! Once we found a dead squirrel on the path, so we avoided that walk for a couple of weeks. When we did return she went straight to the spot where that squirrel was!

Now we dance together

It took her a year to trust me when I first got her, and for us to truly bond. She taught me so much and continues to teach me every day. She even got me to be a dog trainer! That got me out and about meeting people. Now we dance together in front of a crowd, in heelwork to music competitions! In our first ever competition, we came fourth out of 17 other competitors.

It’s not always been easy. She came with baggage, but then again so did I. together we muddled our way through it all to end up here. Today I wouldn’t be without Roma, and I hope she feels the same.

Meet Hope

James wasn’t always certain about getting a dog, but as soon as he met Hope, he fell in love

I think it's important to start by saying I wasn't convinced about getting a dog. I had never had one before and was concerned about the commitment. I knew that if we had one, it would be our responsibility to meet all their needs and give them an amazing life, and that isn’t always easy. My wife, however, was sold on the idea, so I went along!

As it turns out, she was completely right – getting a dog was 100% the right decision for us. We found gorgeous Hope, a Border Collie working dog who hadn't quite made the grade on the farm. It didn’t take her long to become part of the family. The moment she saw all her new toys and comfy bed, she was instantly settled.

She tries to herd us around the house

I think she still has some of her old farm habits, because sometimes she tries to herd us around the house. If me and my wife are in separate rooms, she’ll flit between us until we’re all in the same place. She just wants our little family to be cuddled up together, which is why you'll normally find her sitting in-between me and my wife on the sofa.

She always greets me at the door when I finish work, even in the early hours. Hope has completed our family and I wouldn't change anything in the world about her.

Meet Holly and Toby

With Holly and Toby’s help, William has gone from never wanting to leave the house to taking them out every day on his mobility scooter

I never really wanted a dog, but my wife insisted. “It will get you out and about”, she said. I had started to become a home bird because my diabetes affected my feet and the pain was terrible. It definitely didn’t do anything to inspire me to go out.

First we got Holly, a beautiful Westie pup who was no trouble at all. Then came Toby – he was only seven months old, but we were his third owners. It soon became obvious that he had never been socialised. So, that gave me a good reason to get out of the house.

At 80 years of age, I now have a great time out and about

At 80 years of age, I now have a great time out and about. Holly likes to sit on my knee and use the horn of my mobility scooter, whereas Toby loves to walk beside me. I have met so many new people and they always stop to talk to me and pet the dogs.

Life has now become a great adventure with my two furbabies. They have helped me so much. Without them, I would never have left the house. But now I’m often seen exploring the roads on a daily basis with my companions at my side.

Meet Storm

Sarah never thought she’d be lucky enough to have a dog like Storm in her life

I’ve always been a huge fan of dogs, but working as a Paramedic means I’m out of the house for long shifts both day and night, so I don’t have the time to look after one. At the start of this year, I began to really struggle, and living alone led me to feel isolated. I was lacking motivation to leave the house, eating rubbish and stressing more than usual.

In February, my mum’s dog passed away unexpectedly. Instead of getting a new dog for herself, she offered to co-parent a pup with me, so I could finally get the four-legged companion I’d wanted for so long. Together, we take care of Storm. She looks after him when I’m at work, and I get to spend time with him when I’m home.

Storm has turned my life around

Storm has turned my life around. I’m happier and out walking every day, losing weight and back to feeling motivated and energised. He’s amazing company both in and out of the house and he brings so much joy to everyone we meet. His floppy ears and cheeky head tilt are enough to melt your heart.

With Storm in my life, I’m so excited to see what adventures the future holds for both of us.

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