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British Dogs

Meet Dora

After being rescued from her abusive trainer, life has only got better for Dora since she joined Claire’s family

Dora was rescued by the RSPCA in September 2022, and came into our lives when we adopted her in May 2023. She had survived starvation and neglect at the hands of her trainer, who was sentenced to 32 weeks in prison and given a lifetime ban from owning animals.

Dora is a sweet, bright and affectionate baby. She’s quite the comedian and wakes us up every morning by howling in our faces. She loves to 'curtsy' to greet people when they come into the house. She lightens up our work calls by laying on her back behind us and pulling goofy faces.

I want to give her as many experiences as I can to make up for her life before

Her favourite trick at the moment is to jump as high as she can when we leave the house on our walks. She also likes to outrun her best friend, Jadzia the German Shepherd, and play chase with her.

To me, Dora is an inspiration. She’s a reminder than no matter what you go through in life, you can't stop and wallow in misery. She’s a brave girl who genuinely loves humans and craves attention and affection. She makes my life better and I love thinking about the happy days I will give her.

She inspires me to look after myself, so that I can look after her. I’ve been to places I never would have gone, just because I want to give her as many experiences as I can to make up for her life before. She’s the best decision I've ever made.

Meet Merry

For NHS mental health worker Kathleen, her new little bundle of joy is the perfect tonic

I have wanted a puppy since I moved out of my family home at 18 years old. Me and my partner have only just bought our first house. We couldn’t wait, so have got a puppy and he has just made our house a home.

He is the best decision we have ever made!

Since we have had him he has settled straight in. He brightens up our day as he is very talkative and always talks back when he is told off and it’s adorable. The main thing that we love about him is that he refuses to walk when me and my partner are apart. He only likes to go for a walk when we are together and he walks between us. He just brings us together and is hilarious as he is very curious, but is a bit chicken.

He just helps make us laugh all the time and comfort us during lockdown, especially me as I work in mental health for the NHS. People say it was a mistake to get a dog so soon after moving and working on the house as it’s a lot of responsibility and pressure, but he is the best decision we have ever made!

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Meet Brody

Brody is always around to look out for Amy and her family

Brody is the most loving dog. He brought my partner and I closer togetherwhen we took him on his daily walks during lockdown. He is patient, caring and playful, and he always looks after our new-born son, laying with him when he cries, or staying at our feet when we feed him.

He always looks after our new-born son

He also has a great sense of humour and a very playful character. For instance, he likes to survey the neighbourhood as though he’s a watchdog, he barks at his treats and spends hours playing with his ball. Brody is a truly special dog.

Meet Cisco

Ever since Elaine adopted Cisco a couple of years ago, he has grown from a nervous rescue into a loving, playful dog

Cisco is an Ibizan Hound cross. He was in a rescue centre in Spain, where he was handed in by a hunter, and then he was moved here to the UK. He was very fearful to begin with, and he still often gets unsettled by people he doesn't know.

It has been an honour to build a bond with Cisco

It has been an honour to build a bond with Cisco and gain his trust over the two years since we adopted him. He loves cuddles and lying against us. His personality has blossomed, and he’s become a goofy character at times. He pads his paws on the spot when he’s excited and can appear like a cartoon character.

He still finds the world scary sometimes, but he has shown so much resilience. He’s also always been a gentle boy and never reacted in an aggressive way, even when he’s frightened.

Meet Anya

As her son’s hearing support dog, Anya has given Norma’s family a peace of mind they thought they’d never have.

Anya is a sensitive, loving and intelligent Golden Cocker Spaniel who has been a part of our lives for five years now. She gives every family member their own special attention, but as my son’s hearing support dog, she’s also his best friend. Every morning she starts her day by jumping on his bed, trying to dig him out from under his duvet!

Offering more than just hearing support, Anya also provides him with unconditional love and friendship. She calls him down for dinner by entering his room, nudging him with her wet, black nose and then leading him downstairs. It’s very comforting to know that she’s always there to protect him, especially when he’s asleep at night. If the smoke alarm goes off, for example, she can wake him up and alert him to the danger.

She’ll be there to protect him

 Anya loves her walks and, as a typical Spaniel, she loves to sniff out fox poo! Her favourite human foods are sausages and cheese – if you ever eat them in front of her, she always looks at you with the biggest brown eyes, trying to get you to share them. She also adores playing frisbee, always running after it and bringing it back for us to throw again.

She’s our first dog, and every day we are thankful for the love and support she gives us. Suffering from hearing loss can sometimes mean that people shy away from you, but with Anya around people are actually drawn to us.

When I look at her asleep on the sofa, I understand why dogs like to sleep a lot – it’s because when they’re awake, they devote all of their energy to looking after their humans.

Meet Loki

Kelly never saw herself as a runner, but eventually Loki’s infectious love for running became too hard to resist

Loki has heart. His love is overflowing, and he piles heaps of it onto anyone who gives him attention. Every day is open to the possibilities of new games.

I was not a runner, nor would I have ever considered myself the sort of person to become one – running is crazy. I love a good hike, I enjoy roaming miles and exploring new places, but why run? You’ll just miss the details as you zoom by, I thought. And then came Loki.

Loki laughs when you run with him. He has a big open-mouthed smile

I realised, and some might consider this crazy, but Loki laughs when you run with him. He has a big open-mouthed smile. He considers it pure joy and his joy is contagious – you can’t help but laugh with him. People talk about a runner’s high, and Loki gets it. He got it pretty much from the first sprint.

We joined a local group of fellow CaniX friends to run as a pack. Loki usually jogs alongside me when we run solo, but in a pack he loves the chase. He loves to give a flying lick kiss to a fellow dog as we pass them, or they pass us.

Pack running isn’t about running fast, it’s about enjoying a beautiful run with likeminded individuals who also believe that running is joy. That joy is shared by the whole pack.

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