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British Dogs

Meet Benji

With Heather’s help, Benji has transformed from a poorly, neglected pup into a loving, healthy pooch

Benji is a Fox Red Labrador, who arrived with us in lockdown 2020. He was only 10 months old, and he’d spent a lot of that time locked up in a puppy crate with owners who didn’t have a garden or any time for him. He was an impulse buy they regretted, and they didn’t know how to look after him.

As a result, he chewed everything he could to relieve the boredom and anxiety. He suffered from gut problems and conjunctivitis, and he was generally an unhappy boy. After a bit of settling in and some training, he’s now nearly four years old and he’s a wonderful, happy, inquisitive, loving dog.

He keeps me company when I’m working and lets me know when I’ve been sitting too long and it’s time for a walk. He's also trained me to fetch his ball when he chucks it from the top of the stairs so I can throw it back. Unfortunately, he thinks other items can also be chucked, such as the odd bone, which has a harder landing on the tiled floor!

He adores swimming and has been known to become immovable and scream loudly in a tantrum when asked to leave a lovely beach. If you ask him what good boys do, he’ll immediately sit down on the floor, waiting for a tasty reward.

He’s a wonderful, happy, inquisitive, loving boy

He gives me dog kisses (with no licking) to show he’s my buddy, and belly rubs are obligatory before breakfast. He’s got me walking, enjoying the outdoors, making new dog owner friends, and generally loving my life more because he’s in it.

Meet Lulu

Despite Lulu’s barking, shedding and laziness, Rob and his family couldn’t imagine life without her

This is Lulu. We got her from a rescue centre a few years ago after she'd clearly had quite a rough time with a breeder who'd definitely over-bred her. She just looked so sad when we saw her, and the kids fell in love with her on the first meeting.

She thinks she's a lot smaller than she is

We'd vowed to get a small to medium-sized dog, and she is NOT that! She's lazy as hell, she sheds everywhere, she barks too much for no reason, she has the most evil farts and she’s now a bit incontinent, but we love her to bits.

We even love it when she climbs up on the sofa between us, when there clearly isn't enough room for her. She thinks she's a lot smaller than she is, bless her!

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Meet Taryn and Rocco

Rocco provided Taryn with the love and support she needed to get back on her feet.

Shortly after Rocco was gifted to me as a Valentine’s Day present, I underwent major knee surgery, resulting in me having to learn to walk again rather than devoting my full attention to my puppy. As I regained my mobility, Rocco was a vital part of my recovery, providing unconditional love and support along with companionship when I was back on my feet.

Rocco was a vital part of my recovery

Earlier this year, as a personal challenge I committed to walking 100,000 steps in seven days for charity. It doesn’t sound like a lot but it was incredibly challenging for me to do, and my hound was with me every step of the way. He joined in the early morning walks when he would prefer to be snoozing in bed, he trotted alongside me each lunchtime delaying his set time for dog biscuits, and he continued with me every evening exploring each new location I took him to. At the end of the week, I had done 4000 extra steps and Rocco had earned consecutive exercise badges on his doggy fitness tracker attached to his collar.

Meet Patch

Christine’s dog Patch likes to keep her on her toes sometimes, but she knows he’ll always be there for her no matter what

Patch is such a loving dog. He enjoys nothing more than a good cuddle – but don’t be fooled, because he can also be a cheeky little rascal! One of his worst habits is unplugging things from their sockets. Once, he even managed to unplug my freezer! I’ve had to strategically place objects around the house now in an effort to deter him.

He can also be a cheeky little rascal!

One of the things I love most about Patch is his quirkiness. He likes to make himself comfortable, so every day he jumps up onto the sofa and rearranges the cushions so he has a stack of pillows to rest his head on. It makes us laugh every time!

He’s also extremely protective of me. Patch loves to sit and look out of the window, but if he sees someone approaching the house he barks like mad at them. Of course, that’s not to say he doesn’t know how to behave – every evening after I’ve done the dishes, he sits and waits patiently for me to give him his treat.

Meet Vincent

Emma’s dog Vincent is a caring companion to all creatures great and small!

Vincent is a Kelpie Hunteraway cross. He’s extremely loving and is always happy to meet new people, even if he does put them off with his barking! He enjoys singing too, and will happily howl along to any tune he hears on TV. He may not be the most talented, but he certainly makes up for it with his determination and the joy he brings us all.

He has many jobs around the house, his latest of which is to keep an eye on our pet rabbits. Vincent reminds us to let them out first thing in the morning, and won’t stop pestering us until we do. You can often find him keeping a watchful eye over them throughout the day.

He happily goes off to fetch any strays

Another of his responsibilities is to round up the chickens and put them to bed in the evening, and he takes this very seriously. He happily goes off to fetch any strays, and sometimes even brings his feathered friends into the house to say hello!

His main job is just to be himself and be a part of our family. He’s been there with us through some difficult times over the past couple of years, and is always there for a hug and a stroke, which will never fail to put a smile back on your face.

Meet Rosie

Rosie makes every day brighter for Jane and her family

Rosie, who was born on the summer solstice, lights up the room without saying a word. She’s at her happiest when she’s running along the beach chasing the birds, though she never actually catches any. Rosie loves to skip over rocks and never slips, no matter how much seaweed there is.

She’s ginger, fluffy and loyal

She’s ginger, fluffy and loyal, and our whole family absolutely adores her. All of us have a picture of her saved as our screensaver, and she’s definitely the favourite family member. She’s taught us love, loyalty and trust and that’s something we will always be grateful for.

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